Welcome New Students!

Welcome Class of 2028.5!
The Scott Center is the hub of spiritual life on campus. It’s the place where students gather to explore big questions, celebrate together, find time to reflect, and enjoy social time with other students from all walks of life. This ranges from students who do not identify religiously at all, finding The Scott Center to be a radically hospitable and relaxing place to be, to students who are hoping to delve deeply into one or more spiritual traditions while at college.
Everyone is Welcome!
We look forward to meeting you and hope you can come to some of our Feb 2025 Orientation events (see below).
Here’s a walking map to our home at 46 South St.
If we can help make this semester a smooth transition and these years a successful and fulfilling part of your life’s journey, please do not hesitate to let us know. Please email us at scfsrl@middlebury.edu, or give us a call at (802) 443-5626.
We look forward to being a part of your life at Middlebury College.
Peace and Blessings,
Ellen McKay Jewett, Program Coordinator
Zahra Moeini Meybodi, Associate Muslim Chaplain
Mark R. Orten, Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life
Rabbi Danielle Stillman, Associate Chaplain
Feb 2025 Orientation Activities
Wednesday, February 5
Atwater Dining Hall
Family Resource Fair
Middlebury Chapel
Thursday, February 6
Crest Room, McCullough Student Center
Religious Life Affinity Spaces
Meet others who are spiritually curious and/or who maintain some form of religious practice or identity. The chaplains will introduce themselves and give a brief overview of spiritual life at Middlebury. We’ll then break out into specific identities or interest groups.
Friday, February 7
Unlearning at Midd: Antisemitism and Islamophobia
McCullough Student Center
Student Resource/Self-Care Fair
Crest Room, McCullough Student Center
Jummah Prayers
Jewish Center at Freeman International Center
Shabbat Dinner
Keep in Touch!
- Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
- Subscribe to our monthly newsletter.
- Read our blog.