Studying away at the Middlebury Institute can be one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of your undergraduate education. You’re encouraged to apply to our programs as early as possible. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. 

Admissions Requirements

To be eligible for admission into the Middlebury Institute’s Study Away program, you must have achieved an average of B or better in your major courses, and have an overall average of B or better. You are expected to have completed relevant course work for the academic program to which you are applying. You must have junior or senior standing when you participate in the program, unless you have been given special permission.

Application Materials

Middlebury College Students

Students from Other Institutions

  • Completed application, including essay
  • Tentative course selection
  • Study away advisor approval
  • Official transcript
  • $75 application fee

Completed Application Due Dates

  Fall or Academic Year Spring
Middlebury College Students February 1 February 1
Students from Other Institutions March 15 October 1 (extended to October 11)

Late Applications

If you are still interested in applying to study away after the deadline, you will need to first call our office at 802-443-5745 or email Phyllis Stinson to access the application. Your application will be considered as space allows (housing might not be guaranteed).

Campus Security and Fire Safety Reports

Middlebury College’s Annual Safety and Fire Reports contain important information about Middlebury’s safety and security programs, policies and procedures, crime statistics, fire-related statistics regarding student residential facilities, and other fire safety-related information. Printed copies are available upon request via email to Middlebury’s Department of Public Safety at or by contacting Public Safety at 802-443-5133.