Pier LaFarge ’10 spoke on the renewable energy sector podcast Factor This! about his outside-the-box approach with utility companies to exponentially increase electricity production.
Nick Rahaim MAIEP ’22 was recently honored by the Society of Environmental Journalists for his 2022 piece in Hakai Magazine, “Clever Whales and the Violent Fight for Fish on the Line.”
Samara Gordon Wexler ’23.5 spoke on WBUR’s Here and Now about her Watson fellowship project this year researching what it means to die a good death in various cultures.
The New York Times Book Review included The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai, MA English ’04 on its list of the 100 greatest books of the 21st century.
Reporting for Hyperallergic, Elaine Velie ’19.5 spoke to veteran performance artist Holly Hughes about art-making, anti-porn discourse, and building queer and feminist community across generations.
Earth and climate sciences assistant professor Allison Jacobel led a trip to Antarctica with her father Bob Jacobel, a physics and environmental professor emeritus at St. Olaf College.
Shabana Basij-Rasikh ’11 is among 12 recipients of $20 million grants from a new philanthropic initiative by Melinda French Gates to support women and girls across a range of issues worldwide.
Peace Corps recently recognized Middlebury Collegeas one of the top producers of Peace Corps volunteers. The organization counts 418 Middlebury alumni among its ranks of volunteers across its 63-year history, making the College the fifth most prolific producer of volunteers among small colleges.