Annual Giving Class Liaisons

Members of the Annual Giving team provide support for each class. In a Reunion year, Annual Giving staff partner with members of our Alumni & Parent Programs team. Find our Reunion class staff liaisons here.

Use the “On This Page” menu to navigate quickly to the appropriate class years.

Classes from 2024–2015 (1–10 years out)

Kara White, Assistant Director of Annual Giving

Classes from 2014–2002 (11–23 years out)

David Rubin, Assistant Director of Annual Giving

Class from 2001–2000 (24–25 years out)

Kitty Bartlett, Executive Director of Annual and Parent Funds & Donor Relations

Classes from 1999–1976 (26–49 years out)

Betsy Killorin, Assistant Director of Annual Giving

Class of 1975 (50 years out)

Lyn DeGraff P ’10.5, ’13.5, Associate Director of Alumni and Parent Programs
Tiffany Stowe, Associate Director of Gift Planning

Classes from 1974–1950 (51–75 years out)

Alyssa Sveden Sinclair ’94, Senior Associate Director of Annual Giving

General Questions?

Contact the Annual Giving Office at or (802) 443-2002.

Members of our Gift Planning Team and Major Gifts team are available to answer any questions as well.