Middlebury Institute Alumnus Killed in Kabul Attack
Middlebury Institute alumnus Naqib Ahmad Khpulwak, an assistant professor at the American University in Kabul, Afghanistan, was killed on August 24.
Middlebury Institute alumnus Naqib Ahmad Khpulwak, an assistant professor at the American University in Kabul, Afghanistan, was killed on August 24.
The 158-bed project on the western edge of campus was completed ahead of schedule.
Middlebury Magazine looks at the work of astrophysicist Kate Brutlag Follette ’04 and her discovery of the birth of a new planet.
Jay Heinrichs ’77 writes in Middlebury Magazine that the revival of an old oratory contest at the College could have a lasting impact on student learning.
An increased number of trained specialists will treat injuries, collect evidence, and link survivors to counseling.
In her latest column for Middlebury Magazine, President Laurie Patton writes about encouraging students to find their voice.
The second annual festival will take place Aug. 25-28 at three local venues.
Middlebury conferred 50 master’s degrees in Ripton on August 6, in addition to the diplomas conferred earlier at Oxford and Santa Fe.
Middlebury’s chaplains honor Christian, Jewish, and Muslim texts that are no longer in use at the College.
The Middlebury Bread Loaf School of English, with sites in Vermont, New Mexico, and England, wraps up its 97th summer at Commencement