Counselors at Middlebury utilize a flexible care model that provides quick access to short term, low acuity counseling supports. Counseling is positioned to meet the needs of most college students, especially those that are seeking support for transitional, developmental or interpersonal challenges. In situations where clinical needs are more acute or where there are needs for intensive, long-term, or open-ended services, Counseling can provide interim support, and our urgent and transition care providers can help students and families begin the process of making connections to external providers.  

A view of the mountains at sunrise through maple trees in fall

Our Approach

We strive to create a confidential, affirming, and nonjudgmental space that acknowledges the impact of prejudice, discrimination, oppression, power, and privilege. We are committed to respecting the complexities of students’ identities and life experiences. For more information about who we are and how we can help you, see our Counseling staff profiles.

If you have met with us before, please note that we have made some changes to our services in order to better meet the mental health needs of our student community. See our Services page for more information on options for support and learn how to Make an Appointment.

Need Help Now?

TalkNow through TimelyCare provides 24/7 access to mental health support. You can speak with a counselor at any time from anywhere simply by opening the TimelyCare app or visiting go/timelycare in a browser and selecting TalkNow. Timely Care visit notes become part of your holistic student health record at the Center for Health and Wellness.

In case of an emergency, call 911 or Public Safety’s Emergency Line at 802-443-5911

Common Health Concerns

Getting accurate and up-to-date health information is very important. We have researched the best sites for quality health information and encourage you to use them!

If you have health questions or concerns that would best be addressed with a conversation and assessment by a health professional, please call our nurse line at 802-443-3290.

Counseling offers in-person appointments, but can also utilize tele-therapy via Zoom to maintain safe operations and equitable access for staff and students upon request.