Athletic trainers provide services on campus and with athletic teams during travel and competition to prevent, diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate emergent, acute, subacute, and chronic neuromusculoskeletal conditions and certain medical conditions for varsity athletes and approved club sport athletes.
Athletic trainers refer to Center for Health and Wellness partners and community resources for healthcare needs when appropriate, including any student not actively on a varsity roster or approved club sport roster.
Sports Medicine provides services to all varsity athletes, as well as those on the rugby or crew rosters, but our extensive self-care resources are available to all students.
For more information about who we are and how we can help you, click through our individual Sports Medicine profiles.
Quick Links
Student Health Portal
The Student Health Portal is where you will access important health care information specifically related to you.
TimelyCare is a way for Middlebury to receive health care and counseling online.
Common Health Concerns
Getting accurate and up-to-date health information is very important. We have researched the best sites for quality health information and encourage you to use them!
If you have health questions or concerns that would best be addressed with a conversation and assessment by a health professional, please call our nurse line at 802-443-3290.
Middlebury Healthcare Partners
Sports Medicine works closely with these partners to bring the best health and wellness care to the Middlebury campus community.
Health Services
Our staff provides health and medical support and services for students on campus.
Through consultation, advocacy, and education, our Counseling services promote health and wellness for students.
Health and Wellness Education
Health and Wellness Education provides health promoting and preventative programming and services for students.