Pre-Participation Requirements for all incoming, transfer and returning athletes. 

First-Time, Transfer, and Study Abroad Student Athletes

All students who are:

1) Trying out either for the first time,

2) Have transferred to Middlebury or;

3) Student athletes who have studied abroad  for either an intercollegiate team or club crew and rugby must complete the following before they will be eligible to participate.

Here is a Incoming, Transfer and Study Abroad Checklist to help you navigate your Pre-Participation Requirements

Pre-Participation Requirements for first-time athletes:

1. Monitor Middlebury issued email account 

2. For any incoming student athlete that had a surgery or an injury that was treated by an orthopedist, please fax a letter clearing you to participate to Sports Medicine at (802) 382-1899 Attn: Amal C. Duprey and upload your notes from your visits to the Health Portal

3. For any incoming student athlete that had a surgery, injury or was seen/treated  by an specialist (i.e. Cardiology, Endocrinologist), please fax a letter clearing you to participate to Sports Medicine at (802) 382-1899 Attn: Amal C. Duprey and upload your notes from your visits to the Health Portal

4. Register/Log-in to Health Portal

*All forms should be submitted electronically through the health portal and will be stored with your medical records at the Center for Health and Wellness. If you are having trouble accessing the Health Portal please contact Amal Duprey at or (802) 443-3636.

5. The Athlete Physical Exam Form must be filled out by a physician (*) and uploaded into your health portal before you arrive on campus.

Exams must be completed within 6 months from the season’s start date per NCAA guidelines. ~

 **If you have been abroad the athlete physical examination form (per NCAA guidelines is to be done within six (6) months of the start of YOUR season. For example, if your sports season started in October and you were abroad and returned in January. The physical would need to be within six (6) months of your return from being abroad. **  

STUDENTS SHOULD NOT BRING PHYSICAL COPIES OF THEIR PAPERWORK INTO THE TRAINING ROOM, It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY for uploading to the Student Health Portal and maintaining/keeping a copy for your records. ~

Fall Sport Athletes

Performed after March 1 of the current year,

For All Spring Sports Participating in Fall Activities  performed  after March 18 of the current year

Winter Sport Athletes Performed after May 1 of the current year
Alpine or Nordic Athletes Performed after April 1 of the current year
Spring Sport Athletes Performed after August 8 of the current year

(*)The Center for Health and Wellness will not administer physicals.

6. Sickle Cell Trait Test Policy: NCAA guidelines effective Aug 1, 2022 now requires all incoming student athletes (varsity athletes, club crew, and club rugby) to be tested for the sickle cell trait. The test is either done at the time of your physical with your home provider. Your  home provider can send the lab orders  to UVMHN Porter Medical Center ~ Laboratory Services~  at 1-802-388-8838 for the student athlete to have their labs drawn. OR Students can schedule an appointment at Health Services to have the labs drawn here on campus. Please call 1-802-443-3290.  Please reach out to either  Amal C Duprey or your Team Athletic Trainer if you need further assistance. 

*If results are not available at the time of the physical exam, results must be sent to or via fax at (802) 382-1899 prior to any sport competition.

7. NCAA ADD/ADHD Medical Exception Documentation, must be filled out by a physician for any athlete participating in a varsity sport prescribed medication for ADD or ADHD.  The completed form and supporting documentation should be faxed to Amal Duprey at (802) 382-1899. (Does not apply to club rugby or crew)

8. Concussion Testing

This will  be done upon your arrival to Middlebury and will be scheduled/coordinated between your coach and your athletic trainer. 

(*) If you are competing in more than one contact sport in the course of an academic year you must complete an concussion test  for each sport. 

  • IF you are recovering from an concussion or suspect that you have a concussion please reach out to and your athletic trainer for your sport.

After June First:

1. Log-in to Health Portal to Complete NCAA Annual Health Update Form

2. If you are under the age of 18 prior to your arrival  upon arrival to campus, you will receive a reminder email to complete the Under 18 Forms Forms and upload to the   Health Portal.  If you have not received the email reminder, please contact  Amal Duprey at to receive the forms necessary for athletic participation.

3. Upload via the Health Portal the following items:

         a. Valid Driver’s License  (Domestic or International) OR 

         b. Passport (Domestic or International) 

         c.  Insurance Card (Front & Back) to be done yearly (August of current year and January of                the following year). 

Returning Student Athletes

Students who have participated in an NCAA Intercollegiate sport (including rugby and crew) as Middlebury College athletes must follow the checklist below to be cleared to participate this school year. IF you have studied abroad, please refer to the pre-participation requirements above. Any questions, please reach out to either Amal C Duprey,  or your Athletic Trainer for your sport. 

Here is a Returning Student Athlete Checklist to help you navigate your Pre-Participation Requirements

1. Monitor Middlebury issued email account 

2. For any returning student athlete that had a surgery or an injury that was treated by an orthopedist, please fax a letter clearing you to participate to Sports Medicine at (802) 382-1899 Attn: Amal C. Duprey.and upload your notes from your visits to the Health Portal

3. For any incoming student athlete that had a surgery, injury or was seen/treated  by an specialist (i.e. Cardiology, Endocrinologist), please fax a letter clearing you to participate to Sports Medicine at (802) 382-1899 Attn: Amal C. Duprey and upload your notes from your visits to the Health Portal

4. NCAA ADD/ADHD Medical Exception Documentation, must be filled out by a physician for any athlete participating in a varsity sport prescribed medication for ADD or ADHD.  The completed form and supporting documentation should be faxed to Amal Duprey at (802) 382-1899. (Does not apply to club rugby or crew)

5.  Concussion Testing

This will  be done upon your arrival to Middlebury and will be scheduled/coordinated between your coach and athletic trainer. 

(*) If you are competing in more than one contact sport in the course of an academic year you must complete an concussion test  for each sport. 

  • IF you are recovering from an concussion or suspect that you have a concussion please reach out to and your athletic trainer for your sport.

After June First:

1. Log-in to Health Portal to Complete NCAA Annual Health Update Form

2. Upload via the Health Portal the following items:

         a. Valid Driver’s License  (Domestic or International) OR 

         b. Passport (Domestic or International) 

         c.  Insurance Card (Front & Back) to be done yearly (August of current year and January of the following year).