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Deciding where to vote

You may choose to vote in your home state or in Vermont.

Some factors that may influence this decision are:

  • Which community would you want to view yourself as part of in terms of local elections (such as school board)?  
  • If there is a state governor’s race, where would you want to vote? 
  • Where will your vote have the biggest impact? 
  • Have you passed the deadline to request an absentee ballot in your home state (Vermont offers voting day registration)

Additional considerations for deciding where to vote can be found in the ALL-IN Out-of-State College Student Voting Guide

Absentee Voting

What address do I use for voter registration and absentee ballot requests?


Middlebury College

14 Old Chapel Rd.

[6-digit or 8-digit Middlebury ID #]

Middlebury, VT. 05753


Check your registration

Know your deadlines (state-by-state guide)

Visit and scroll down for state-by-state election deadlines, dates and rules

Request and return an absentee/mail-in ballot

Remember that absentee voting is a two-step process

  1. Requesting your ballot
  2. Returning your completed ballot

Be sure to check your state requirements for additional steps that your state may require such as including a photo of your ID or getting your ballot notarized.

Allow ample time for your ballot to be received (2 weeks is recommended)
MiddVotes provides postage (available in the mail center or CCE) for returning your absentee ballot before election day.

Voting in Vermont

As a Middlebury College student, you are allowed to vote in Vermont if you choose not to vote in your home state.
Vermont allows voter registration on the day of the election (though advance registration is recommended).

Check out this comprehensive, general information for voting in Vermont.

Vermont election information unique to you (polling place, ballot issues, etc).

The polling place for Middlebury College is:
Middlebury Recreation Center,
154 Creek Rd.

Transportation to the polls is provided for the Midterm and General elections.

Learn what is on your ballot and prepare to vote

An informed electorate is critical for the health of our democratic process.  Consider your news sources as you research candidates and issues to ensure that they are credible.

In Vermont, there are elections held also every year on Town Meeting Day. Find information specific to voting as a Middlebury resident on the Town’s election website

Ballotpedia and Vote411 - to learn what is on your ballot.
FactCheck, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics.  

Study abroad students

Students who are studying abroad may request an overseas ballot from abroad.
*Note that you must first be registered to vote.

Ineligible to vote in the U.S.?

Your voice matters! Consider using social media and conversations in your networks to raise awareness of issues that are important to you.


If you need assistance registering to vote or obtaining an absentee ballot for an upcoming election, please email