Charting Progress on Europe’s Path to Climate Neutrality by 2050: Importance of transparency in meeting Paris Agreement
Dana Auditorium (Sunderland Language Center)
Open to the Public
Sustainability is at the heart of much of what we do, teach, and value at Middlebury.
Many Middlebury alums have carried a commitment to sustainability directly into their professions—often with national and international impact. This lecture series brings Midd alums back to campus to discuss these issues and more. Each event is moderated by students, who might engage on some of the below topics:
Sponsored by Sustainability and Environmental Affairs, Climate Action Program, Center for Careers and Internships.
Head of Group on Climate Change Mitigation, Energy and Transport at the European Environment Agency
Dana Auditorium (Sunderland Language Center)
Open to the Public
Board Director, Angel Investor and Senior Advisor at Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Former Director of Xpansiv, the world’s largest carbon trading/renewable energy platform
Dana Auditorium (Sunderland Language Center)
Open to the Public
Head of Sustainability at 2150
Dana Auditorium (Sunderland Language Center)
Open to the Public
Member of Congress, IL-06
Dana Auditorium (Sunderland Language Center)
Open to the Public
Sandhya Subramanian Douglas ’93, P’25, Partner, Senior Managing Director, Director of Strategic Analysis and Implementation; Soyibou Sylla ’20, Investment Science Associate
Robert A. Jones '59 Conference Room
Open to the Public