OGSP works with various partners to support institutional programs prioritized by senior leadership, as well as individual faculty members.

Middlebury Advancement and Alumni Relations 

Works closely to identify institutional priorities and fundraising strategies

Grants Accounting

Handles the financial administration for most grants

Academic Administration

Identifies and endorses proposals and collaborates on generating new initiatives

Research Compliance

Helps manage research projects involving environmental health and safety concerns, human subject research, vertebrate animal research, or biohazards

Undergraduate Research Office

Assists students participating in research


Provides numerous support services for students and faculty


A great resource for research and data management plan preparation

Assessment and Institutional Research

Provides data and statistics for a variety of grant needs

Academic Affairs

Oversees the College’s academic program, ensuring its success through programs, services, and committees that support faculty and the curriculum

Human Resources

Provides information on grant-related positions

Information Technology Services

Provides strategic advice and information on grant-related equipment, purchasing, installation, and maintenance