What is chaos? What is order? How does the human mind differentiate and make meaning out of these two concepts? These are just some of the questions that Middlebury College Professor Mario Higa will pose and explore in his new undergraduate seminar, “Jorge Luis Borges: Chaos and Order” a class inspired by Higa’s recent summer research in Argentina.
Even after teaching about agroecology for more than 20 years, Molly Anderson, the William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Food Studies at Middlebury, continues to seek innovative ways to enrich her teaching and provide her students with firsthand experiences.
During part of his sabbatical year Middlebury College professor Erik Bleich took his research and teaching talents across the Atlantic to Lyon, France. There, he served as the Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair and as a fellow at the Collegium de Lyon, researching how the media covers Black Lives Matter.
Using worldwide changes as a creative catalyst, Middlebury College dance professor Laurel Jenkins is re-imagining how dance can transform trauma into resilience. Now, like an ode to her research, Jenkins will share such themes in two original performances.