LibrarySearch will be view-only June 26th - July 22nd. Click here for details on service changes during this time.
Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: 10am - 5pm

Middlebury Library provides access to hundreds of thousands of items that advance our mission to connect our community to the universe of information.

We provide a very wide range of materials and resources in many formats to support instruction, research, and to a limited extent, personal interests. The materials we collect are described in our Collections Policy, which also describes how the library identifies material to remove from its collection. A major multiyear project to refine the collection and make room for further development is currently ongoing, in collaboration with the College community.

Pie chart of types of library holdings

For materials not in our collections, the library strongly encourages College community members to support our collection development by requesting library purchases. We also work with libraries across the globe to provide interlibrary loan services to all Middlebury faculty, students, and staff.

E-books and Audiobooks

Find our e-books in MIDCAT, LibrarySearch. The E-book Guide is a great resource for learning how to find, read, listen, download, or print e-books from our collections. For online popular reading and listening collections, use your Middlebury credentials with the Libby App.

Government Documents

The Government Documents Collection contains publications published by various agencies of the United States Government from 1832 to the present. Government documents provide information on a vast range of subjects and in many formats.

Please see our Government Information Research Guide for more information on our collections and accessing government information.


The Davis Family Library music collection includes more than 22,000 CDs—from Mozart to the Shins to Enfoirés to Yo-Yo Ma. We also have a large collection of books about music, instructional methods, scores, and DVDs.

Use the Music Guide for help finding music and scores in the library.

Vermont Collection

Middlebury has extensive collections relating to the history, politics, and culture of Vermont. In addition to materials in the lower-level stacks, fragile and historic items are housed in Special Collections. These include early Vermont maps, postcards, the Rutland Railroad Archives, and the Crown Point Road Archives.

Special Collections

Middlebury Special Collections houses the college’s rare book, manuscript, and archival collections.

Digital Collections

Middlebury’s Digital Collections consist of archived materials created through your research and scholarship, as well as materials from Middlebury’s social, cultural, and academic history.


Terry Simpkins

Director, Discovery & Access Services

Davis Family Library 135A
Office Hours:
M, W-F: normal business hours; Tues: afternoon/evening starting at 1pm