The voiceless fog arises

From within the mountain pass,

Like wraiths of nature’s goodness,

Single spires ranked en masse.

They rise above the valleys,

Above the verdant dew

Then fade to gray-white stillness

Locking pass and trees and view

In an eerie silence, chirpless

And soft and true…

A truth man should not question

Of time and endless rest,

That brings him back to green mountains,

That urges him to his best.

While the brilliant sun awakens,

Brightening the forest green

Resettling the mountain frosting,

Glinting the forest stream,

Deep in the peaceful hillside

Swirling through rock-strewn glen,

Settling in caves of silence,

Steaming from fern-lined fen,

The patient mist lies waiting

For the ending of the day,

The hush of lark and robin,

The muting of the jay.

When the muffled voice of crickets

Signals the sleeping dew,

Faith calls her champions upward

Man’s spirit to renew.

Katherine Stevens MA ‘85 is a poet, photographer, author, and retired high school teacher of English and history. She has written a book of poetry and two historical novels.

About this poem Kathy says, “ ‘Guardians’ describes my thoughts one morning looking out at the mountains from my room at Tamarack. I loved watching the mist rise from the ‘passes’ each morning. I found Bread Loaf a safe place nestled as it was, surrounded by high peaks, hidden from the world, filled with its own kind of secrets and magic knowledge.”