Find information related to your upcoming Bread Loaf experience.

Be sure to also review the program information for details about course loads, credits, opportunities for independent work, and the theater programs at each of the Bread Loaf campuses.

Academic Information

Find information about course registration, transfer credits, course materials, letters of recommendation, and grades and transcripts within our academic information pages.

Academic Resources

Find information about Bread Loaf libraries, technology and other resources available to you on campus and beyond in our academic resources section.

Billing Information

See program fees and and learn more about our billing process and policies.


Students and faculty should take time to review the appropriate handbook information before arriving on campus.


Returning students should fill out the online re-enrollment form (selecting the “Returning Users” option) by early fall. Re-enrollments will be processed starting in December. To be eligible for re-enrollment, students must be in good academic standing. Students with outstanding bills due to Middlebury may not re-enroll until the bills are paid. Returning students who have not attended Bread Loaf in the past 10 years must submit new application materials.

Students will receive their financial aid notification in two main blocks, depending on the completion of their Bread Loaf enrollment.

  • To receive an aid decision by February 14, 2025: new students will need to complete their Bread Loaf applications for admission and financial aid by January 24, 2025; returning students will need to submit their re-enrollment forms and financial aid application by February 7, 2025.
  • To receive an aid decision by April 18, 2025: new students will need to complete their Bread Loaf applications for admission and financial aid by March 14, 2025; returning students will need to submit their re-enrollment forms and financial aid application by March 28, 2025.
  • Anyone who is enrolled after March 31, 2025 will receive a decision on a rolling basis.

Bread Loaf will review and award special fellowships and scholarships across two periods following the February 14 and April 18 aid awarding dates. There are specific deadlines for some Bread Loaf special funding opportunities. Refer to our individual scholarship application instructions for details. For best access to financial aid and special funding, apply and enroll early.

Student Enrollment / Application Portal

Once you have submitted your re-enrollment form for a coming session, you will want to check your student portal for important information and forms related to your enrollment.