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You will find below information about requesting a letter of recommendation, ordering an official transcript, or learning about resources available to all Bread Loaf students, past and present.

Official Transcripts

To obtain an official Bread Loaf transcript, you must submit a request to the registrar’s office. For an unofficial transcript, follow these instructions.

Letters of Recommendation

Requests for letters of recommendation should be directed to Karen Browne at in the Bread Loaf office and not directly to Bread Loaf faculty. These letters incorporate comments written by the Bread Loaf faculty and they will be kept on file in the Bread Loaf office for future use.

Karen will pass your request on to the associate director, who will write the letter. Be sure to include the address(es) to which the letter(s) should be sent, as well as any applicable deadlines, forms, or other necessary information. Requests should be received by the Bread Loaf office at least one month before you’ll need the letter.

Career Services

Middlebury’s Center for Careers and Internships is ready to assist you as you contemplate career decisions. Visit the website for information about how to arrange a meeting with one of their career advisors for resume building advice, practice interviews, or networking tips.

Returning to Bread Loaf

Bread Loaf graduates may of course apply to return for a summer or two. Returning students who have not attended Bread Loaf in the past 10 years or more will be asked to submit new application materials.

A number of our MAs apply to the Bread Loaf MLitt program. All students, even Bread Loaf MAs, must apply formally to the MLitt program. Read about the MLitt under “Program Information.”


While we cannot offer lodging for visitors during the summer, many former students visit Vermont to see the play each summer, or stop by another campus for a reading or lecture. Summer contact information and schedules of major summer events at all three campuses will be posted on the individual campus pages in early June. Please note during summer 2022 Covid policy prohibits visitors from any Bread Loaf campus.

Update Your Information

Share your most recent contact information so you can receive newsletters and other updates from Bread Loaf and the Alumni office.