Bread Loaf Teacher Network Journal
The Bread Loaf Teacher Network Journal focuses on educational themes grounded in Bread Loaf scholarship and teacher expertise.
The Bread Loaf Teacher Network Journal (previously Bread Loaf Teacher Magazine) was created in 1993 by the Bread Loaf School of English, funded by the Wallace-Reader’s Digest Funds. The magazine was edited for several years by Chris Benson at Clemson University, and then produced by guest editors Sheri Skelton, an Alaskan teacher, and most recently by Tom McKenna MA ’96, Alaska teacher and director of BLTN communications. The articles are written by members of the Bread Loaf Teacher Network and other associates of the Bread Loaf School of English.
Past Issues
Past issues have addressed themes of teacher research, changing practice, teaching with technology, building community, school reform, standards, connected teaching and learning, and how Bread Loaf scholarship influences teaching practice. Contact Tom McKenna to propose an article or a theme.
- Spring/Summer 2023: Teaching and Writing with Joy (Current Issue)
- Spring/Summer 2022: Learning in Community Spaces
- Spring/Summer 2021: Tales of Two Pandemics
- Spring 2020 Re-imagining the Classroom: Inquiry and Innovation
- Summer 2019 The Power of NextGen: Youth Voice and Action
- Winter 2019 Advocacy, Achievement, and Ability: Unleashing the Power of BLTN
- Winter 2018 Advocacy Literacy
- Fall 2016 Imagining Advocacy and Action
- Fall 2015 Beyond the Narrative Barrier: Reclaiming Teaching Stories
- Winter 2014 Networked Literacy: Bread Loaf Teachers and Students in Action
- Spring 2014 Bringing it Back: Educating for Social Change
- Fall 2013 Prospect and Retrospect
- Fall/Winter 2012 Connected Teaching and Learning
- Fall 2006 Making Connections across and beyond the Curriculum (2.3 MB)
- Winter 2005 Sustaining Communities through Our Stories about Place (3 MB)
- Spring 2004 Extending the Reach and Educating the Imagination (1709K)
- Spring 2002 Networked Teaching and Learning (2.37 MB)
- Winter 2001 Teachers on Standards (881 KB)
- Spring/Summer 2000: Professional Development (5.1 MB)
- Spring/Summer 1999: Changing Practice (900 K)
- Fall/Winter 1999: Teaching with Technology (5 MB)
- Summer 1998: Becoming Teacher Researchers (6 MB)
- Spring/Summer 1997: Language and Culture (9 MB)
- Fall/Winter 1997: Networking Across Boundaries (7 MB)
- Spring/Summer 1996: Taking Stock (9 MB)
- Fall/Winter 1996: Building Community (11 MB)
- January 1995: BLRTN Newsletter (9 MB)
- Fall/Winter 1995: BLRTN Newsletter (8 MB)
- May 1994: BLRTN Newsletter (5 MB)
- November 1993: BLRTN Newsletter (2 MB)