Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin starts her day with some stretching yoga in the fields with a view of the Green Mountains.
6:30 - 9 a.m. Himali wakes up, for inspiration, to The Band’s “When I Paint My Masterpiece.” She then “stumbles to eat berries before waitering breakfast” (at Bread Loaf, students may choose to work as waiters for the sit-down community meals). She then jogs to the Robert Frost trail, does yoga, and prepares for the day ahead.
Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin works at her desk.
9 - 9:30 a.m. Himali works in her room on a class project.
An image of Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin creative assignment for her literature class.
Calvino Project Himali shares a view of her work-in-progress for her Calvino, Borges, Beckett class.
Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin works outside at one of the many picnic tables around campus.
9:30 - 10 a.m. Himali enjoys the morning and writes outside.
Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin discusses a project with her professor in the Barn.
10 - 11 a.m. Himali meets in the Barn for conversation with her professor prior to class.
Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin makes a comment in class.
11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Himali makes a point during discussion in her Calvino, Borges, Beckett class, which meets daily during this time.
A close up of Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin's notes from class.
Class Notebook Himali shares a page from one of her class notebooks, where she scribbles thoughts during discussion.
Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin and a friend relax on the grass outside the Barn between classes.
12:15 - 12:45 p.m. Himali eats lunch outside with a fellow waiter, enjoying a moment of relaxation before serving tables for the community lunch.
Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin helps prepare lunch.
12:45 - 1:30 p.m. In the kitchen, Himali readies soup bowls for her tables in the dining room. She then serves the main course, dessert, and coffee during lunch.
Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin chats with a professors as they walk to lunch.
1:45 p.m. Himali meets with professor Paul Muldoon before class.
Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin and others walk from the Inn to the Barn for afternoon classes.
1:55 p.m. Himali heads to the Barn for her afternoon class.
Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin joins a discussion in class.
2 - 4:45 p.m. On alternate weekdays, Himali attends her second Bread Loaf course, a poetry workshop with poet Paul Muldoon.
Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin gets some work done in the library before dinner.
Afternoon If Himali does not have class, she hikes, heads down the mountain to take a swim at the Middlebury College natatorium, or enjoys a “Norwegian” (salmon, cream cheese, and watercress on rye) at the bakery downtown. She also frequently spends time reading and writing in the Bread Loaf library.
Bread Loaf student Himali Singh Soin chats with fellow classmates before an evening lecture in the Barn.
7 p.m. In the evening, Himali “exclaims at the sunset, reads, writes, dreams, dances, edits her colleagues’ work, and talks into the wee hours.” Here, she shares in conversation with a friend at a reception.