Below are links to the NCAA Medical Exception Procedures and forms required for certain medication exceptions.

In all cases, if a student-athlete does not meet the criteria for a medical exception, the student-athlete may request an appeal hearing of the positive drug test. In this case, the student-athlete’s eligibility will be suspended pending the outcome of the appeal.

Questions should be directed to Middlebury College Team Physician, Mark Peluso, MD at 802-443-5135, or Director of Sports Medicine, Kelly Cray at 802-443-5259.

Frequently Asked Questions


The letter and any supporting documentation should be submitted to:

Middlebury College Sports Medicine

219 S. Main St

Middlebury, VT 05753

Fax (802) 443-2094

Attn: Amal Duprey

This information will be retained in the student’s medical record. In the event of an appeal, the information retained in the student health record will be used to apply for a medical exception in the event of a positive NCAA drug test.


No. It is up to the student athlete and their prescribing physician makes sure that the information meets the requirements listed in the information located on the main section of the web page. The instructions are straight-forward and Middlebury College Athletics, Sports Medicine and/or Health Services will not track or verify any information kept for this purpose. The sole responsibility for meeting this NCAA ruling rests with the student athlete and his/her physician. Middlebury College is responsible for informing student athletes of this requirement. Because Middlebury College health services does not prescribe or perform assessments for attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), verification of the diagnosis and treatment plan should come from the treating physician in the letter they submit to the Health Center/ Team Physician.


In the past, the NCAA would allow the athletes testing positive for a banned substance to apply for a medical exception based on medical necessity. The NCAA did not require the information regarding the use of the medications to be submitted to the student athlete’s college medical file prior to drug testing. In 2009 this rule will change and require that all student athletes have a letter and supporting documentation from the prescribing physician regarding the diagnosis being treated, how the diagnosis was reached, medication dose information, and a statement that the student athlete needs the medication. Students will also have to ask their physician to provide a list of any alternative non-banned medications for the treatment of the list of diagnosis, and a statement that the physician and student athlete agree that no appropriate alternative medication other than the banned substance is available to treat the condition.

Exceptions would be anabolic agents such as testosterone and/or peptide hormones (hGh) which require a medical exception prior to participation.


The list of banned substances includes examples of certain classes of drugs such as stimulants, anabolic agents, diuretics and other urine manipulators, street drugs, peptide hormones and anti-estrogens and substances banned for specific sports.


Some student athletes will need to visit their home prescribing physician in order to have an appropriate letter sent. Some physician practices do charge patients for letters and completion of forms. The student athlete is responsible for payment of any related fees.