| by Caroline Crawford

Staff, Updates


Festive Food Drive for HOPE (VT), Friday, December 13 

Staff Council members are collecting donations for HOPE’s Food Shelf and our neighbors across Addison County. Stop by the collection box locations on Friday morning between 9:30 and 10 and say hello, get a sweet treat of thanks, and maybe see the Panther! 

Collection boxes will be available Monday, December 9 to Friday, December 13 at: 

  • McCullough (patio entrance)
  • Athletic Center
  • Davis Library
  • BiHall
  • Ross
  • Old Chapel
  • 700 Exchange Street (no pickup on Friday)

Last year we collected 149 pounds of food, and this year we want to set a new record! We are accepting all unexpired canned goods, non-perishables, toiletries, and cash donations (in person only). Items currently in high demand at HOPE include fruit juice, kidney beans, baking mixes, granola bars, canned soups, cereals, sugar, diapers, cereals, sugar, dish soap, laundry detergent, size 4-6 diapers, shampoo, and menstrual products. 

Gingerbread House Competition (VT), Friday, December 13  

Pick up your kit at Human Resources’ new location on 75 Shannon Street or build your own. Drop off your entry to HR by 1:00 p.m. on December 12. On Friday, December 13 visit HR to enjoy hot chocolate and cookies while casting your vote to choose the winners!  

Middlebury College Holiday Party (VT), Saturday, December 14, Nelson Arena, 6:00 to 11:00 p.m. 

Staff, faculty, and guests are invited to celebrate the season with dinner, music, and dancing. Donations to HOPE of books, warm clothes, and nonperishable food are encouraged. Do you need childcare?

Free Holiday Party Childcare (VT), Saturday, December 14, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 

Staff Council has once again organized childcare services in Goldsmith Lounge during the party for children ages 3-12 (children must be toilet-trained)! Students involved with MAlt, Middlebury’s Alternative break program, will be babysitting as a fundraiser for a variety of trips that will occur during February break. This service is free to you thanks to the generosity of the President’s Office. Tips benefiting MAlt are welcome! Space is limited to 35 children, so be sure to sign up ASAP. Please register by Wednesday, December 11th and we’ll be in touch to confirm. Please share this information with those who may not check their email regularly.  

Middlebury Institute December Commencement (CA), Saturday December 14, 1:00 p.m. PST, Irvine Auditorium.  

Middlebury Institute Faculty/ Staff Holiday Party (SA), Tuesday December 17, 4:00-6:00 p.m. 

Staff Resource-Reminder of Fuel Assistance Resource Program 

Middlebury will again offer a fuel assistance program through the Chaplain’s Fund for full- or part-time employees who have been in a benefits-eligible position for a minimum of one year and who are experiencing significant financial hardship and cannot meet their heating needs through other means. Employees may apply for assistance of up to $500, paid directly to the fuel provider, to assist with documented heating fuel needs. One application per household will be accepted. Fuel assistance applications will be accepted from December 4, 2024 through March 31, 2025.  If you have any questions, please email Fuel Assistance Program Administrator Ellen McKay Jewett at emckay@middlebury.edu

Welcome New Staff!  

Cassandra Caldwell is the new Program Director for the new MA in Organizational Leadership at the Middlebury Institute Online. See additional new staff announcements in MiddPoints.