Standing and ad hoc committees operate under the authority of the council and make recommendations for action.

In turn, the council acts on committee recommendations and reports the results of the council’s actions. Staff from all districts are invited to serve on standing committees each year. Our goal is to have balanced committees with representation from diverse areas of Middlebury. Listed below are the committees and their specific areas of responsibility.

Standing Committees

Each standing committee operates under the authority of the council and makes recommendations for action to the council. In turn, the council acts on committee recommendations and reports to each committee the results of council actions. When possible and appropriate, the standing and ad-hoc committees align with the Board of Trustees governance structure. Listed below are the standing committees and their specific areas of responsibility.

Compensation and Benefits Committee

The compensation and benefits committee studies and reviews salary issues, benefits, leaves and vacations, job categories, and related subjects. Regular meetings are 1 hour twice a month on Zoom.

  • Terry Simpkins, Director, Discovery and Access Services, College Libraries (Chair)
  • Toni Thomas, Associate Dean, Institute Academic Operations (Assistant Chair)
  • Joseph Antonioli, Senior Innovation Strategist, Digital Learning and Inquiry
  • Jami Black, AVP and Campaign Co-Executive Director, Advancement
  • Elizabeth Bone, Advisor, Institute Center for Advising and Career Services
  • Daniel Hyde, HVAC Refrigeration, College Technical Services, Maintenance, and Operations
  • Tammy Iffland, Chef, College Ross Dining Services
  • Colleen Norden, Systems and Communications Specialist, CTLR
  • Esther Palmer, Program Support Manager for Annual Giving, Advancement
  • Tim Parsons, Horticulturist, College Technical Services, Maintenance, and Operations
  • Megyn Pitner, Assistant Director of Catering and Tavern on the Tee, College Catering
  • Maria Watters, Director, College Event Management
  • Shelby Watts, Athletic Trainer, College Sports Medicine

Current Compensation Committee Projects

The Committee has undertaken a thorough review of four key areas aimed at identifying potential enhancements or areas that could benefit from better comprehension among staff. These focus areas include:

  1. Market Raises
  2. Skill Matrix
  3. Job Description Process 
  4. Website 

They sent recommendations to Sheila Cameron and Caitlin Goss on March 12, 2024. 

Election Committee

The election committee, under the direction of the council, develops election procedures, establishes election deadlines, conducts nominations and elections for district representatives, validates the results, and resolves any problems that arise from the election process. Meetings as needed to review processes and organize elections. Elections are in May.

  • We will be convening the committee this spring.

Events Committee

The events committee plans and coordinates council activities and community-building events in collaboration with Human Resources. Regular meetings are 1 hour twice a month on Zoom.

  • Asa Waterworth, University Relations Associate and Off-Campus Student Programs, College International Programs and Off Campus Study (Chair)
  • Erin Morrison, Asst. Director of the First Year Experience for Orientation (Assistant Chair)
  • Stacie Marshall, Executive Assistant to the Vice President, Advancement
  • Cathy Vincent, Assistant VP and People Programs, Human Resources
  • Maria Watters, Director, College Event Management

Current Events Committee Projects

The committee partnered with Sam Hurlburt to reschedule the Midd’s Got Talent: Middlebury’s First All Campus Talent Show on Friday, March 1st and is presently coordinating Daffodil Days—a springtime flower sale that supports the American Cancer Society. Additionally, Jim Zieger has joined the Eclipse Committee on campus, alongside Amy Foote and Cathy Vincent.

Ad Hoc Committees

As the need arises, the council may create ad hoc committees to deal with particular issues, and may make assignments for those committees from interested volunteers who want to serve on such committees. Once a council ad hoc committee has addressed the issue in question as directed by the council, or, if the council determines that the ad hoc committee is no longer needed, it is dissolved by the council. If however, the council feels that an ad hoc committee should continue as a standing committee, an amendment petition and vote will be held to make it a standing committee.

The chair of each ad hoc committee is appointed by the council. The chair may be, but is not required to be, a member of the council. During the period that the ad hoc committee is active, its chair reports to the council as directed.

These are examples of ad hoc committees:

Conflict Transformation

The conflict transformation committee is being organized this fall. The initial focus will be the employee divide that exists between the staff and faculty groups. The anticipated regular meeting schedule is 1 hour twice a month on Zoom.

  • TBA

Conflict Transformation Committee Projects

The committee will be setting up a meeting with CT (Sarah Stroup).

Communications Committee

The communications committee explores ways to increase communication and dialogue between Staff Council and Senior Leadership Group, Middlebury and MIIS, Staff Council and the Board of Trustees, and Staff Council and our constituents. This committee keeps the Middlebury staff informed and aware of news, events, and items that concern employment at Middlebury. Regular meetings are 1 hour twice a month on Zoom.

  • Caroline Crawford, Senior Writer for Institutional Marketing Communications (Chair)
  • Toni Thomas, Associate Dean, Academic Operations (MIIS) (Assistant Chair)
  • Jennifer Mallory, Assistant Registrar and Course Scheduler
  • Esther Palmer, Program Support Manager for Annual Giving
  • Jared Rawson, Team Liaison, Custodial and Support Services
  • Charles Caldwell, Systems and Data Administrator (CCI)

Current Communications Committee Projects

As of January, 2024, the committee is now sending bi-weekly district updates. They added district pages to the website to share more about each of the districts. The team met with HR’s Communications team, Matthew Casey and Desarie Stone-Feliciano in early February to explore ways to enhance information sharing. They are working closely with the survey committee to help share survey data with the wider audience.

Continuous Improvement 

The Continuous Improvement committee works with the Associate Provost for Planning and Faculty Council to identify and move forward projects to address systemic operations, structural, and management issues at Middlebury. Regular meetings are 1 hour twice a month on Zoom.

  • Lexie Carlson, Senior Financial Operations Analyst (Chair)
  • Asa Waterworth, University Relations Associate in International Programs and Off-Campus Student Programs (Assistant Chair)
  • Tania Bolduc, Administrative Coordinator of Faculty Affairs, College Academic Affairs
  • Additional members TBA

Current Continuous Improvement Committee Projects

They had a kick-off meeting on Friday, March 8th, and are looking forward to continued work on the staff council survey. They would like to be able to choose items that this sub-committee could work on collaboratively. Examples include helping to clarify misinformation, providing links to information on the website, etc. 

HR-6 Committee

Three council members are appointed to HR-6. Human Resources (HR) members rotate depending on the current projects, in consultation with HR’s VP. The committee’s charge is to identify and develop recommendations for HR-related issues.

  • Lexie Carlson, Senior Financial Operations Analyst
  • Caroline Crawford, Senior Writer for Institutional Marketing Communications
  • Jared Rawson, Team Liaison, Custodial and Support Services

Current HR-6 Committee Projects


Staff Resources Committee

The staff resources committee works with the administration to review finance and budget related issues impacting Middlebury resources. It will meet jointly with the faculty resources committee as needed. Regular meetings are 1 hour twice a month on Zoom.

  • Colleen Norden, Systems & Communications Specialist for CTLR (Chair)
  • Chris Metzler, Controller
  • Tim Parsons, Horticulturist
  • Charlotte Tate, Associate Director, Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs

Staff Resources Committee Projects

The committee is discussing potential options for targeted savings to avoid more across-the-board budget cuts. They are also working on expanding the conversations from just dollar expenses to resources more holistically such as labor and space to improve the effectiveness of existing expenses and create capacity.

The committee had a joint meeting with the Faculty Council Resources Committee on March 13th. Caitlin Goss joined the last meeting to be part of the healthcare discussion as increased healthcare costs are one of the biggest budget issues right now. 

Middlebury Community and Problem Resolution Committees 

Community Council

Community Council serves as a forum in which all the segments of the Middlebury community—administration, faculty, staff, and students—have a voice on nonacademic issues. Members are appointed by the president based on recommendations from constituent groups. With this representative membership, Community Council deliberations and decisions take into consideration the interests and concerns of the whole community. The diverse membership assures that each member of the council hears and understands the views of the other sections of the community, thus linking the four groups that compose the Middlebury College community. Regular meetings are monthly at 5 pm.

Community Council has four staff representatives that may have one or two year appointments, including one member of Staff Council.

  • Caroline Crawford, Senior Writer for Institutional Marketing Communications (Staff Council Representative) Term Ending: July 1, 2025
  • Victor Laberge, Plumber for Technical Services, Maintenance & Operations
    Term Ending: July 1, 2024
  • Ursula Olender, Executive Director, Center for Careers and Internships 
    Term Ending: July 1, 2024
  • Vacant

Community Judicial Board

The Community Judicial Board presides over nonacademic conduct infractions of the Honor Code.


Ombudspersons help employees with problems related to employment at Middlebury College and the Institute. Ombudspersons are appointed by the president and serve for three-year terms. Current staff ombudspersons include:

  • Brent Simons (Staff Council Member), Commons Dining Room Manager, Ross Dining
    Term Ending: June 30, 2026
  • Solon Coburn, Assistant Director of Dispatch Operations, Public Safety
    Term Ending: June 30, 2025
  • Dan Celik, Supervisor, Custodial and Support Services
    Term Ending: June 30, 2026
  • Jami Black, AVP for Advancement and Campaign Operations
    Term Ending: June 30, 2026
  • Charlotte Tate, Associate Director, Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs
    Term Ending: June 30, 2025
  • Dollie Pope, Admissions Officer, MIIS Admissions and Enrollment
    Term ends June 30, 2027

Join a Committee

Joining committees is a great way to meet people in the College and Institute community, understand the workings of different committees, and explore Middlebury outside your regular role. You do not need to be an elected representative to be a committee member! All you need is an interest in helping to make Middlebury a better place to work. If you would like to participate on a committee, please fill out this form and let us know of your interest.

Committee Selection Process

Once we hear from you, we will work with you to identify how to get involved. We try to place new committee members with the primary committee of their choice. If a particular committee is too full, we may ask you to choose another committee, or we may place you on a list for the following year.

Committees generally have a Staff Council member chair and assistant chair that are selected each year in August. The remainder of the committee may consist of non-council members. The chairs will invite other members to create a balanced committee from across the districts and dependent on committee needs. Past members, those who expressed interest, and recruited staff from unrepresented areas or with particular expertise will be considered.