
The purpose of the Middlebury Staff Council is to help make Middlebury a great place to work. The council is elected by the staff employees, and acknowledged by the Board of Trustees, to establish priorities for the staff. The council’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Listen and respond to ideas, opinions, problems, and concerns, and to consider other matters;
  • Organize data, staff views, and other information into reports and formulate recommendations for actions, changes, and solutions, as required;
  • Convey reports and recommendations to Middlebury’s administration;
  • Meet with the Middlebury administration on a regular basis to communicate reports and recommendations.

Constitution and Guidelines

Read our Constitution.

Review our Working Relationships Policy.


Staff Council Representatives serve two year terms. Each year about half the council is up for reelection. You can see the list of reps and their terms on the districts page.

2024 Elections Timeline

5/8 - 5/29 - Open for Nominations
6/6 - 6/14 - Ballot open for Voting

Results will be available soon after voting closes.

Frequently Asked Questions


2024 Districts with Open Elections

District C - Representing: (126 members) Athletics, Center for Careers and Internships, Center for Community Engagement, Center for Creativity, Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, Chaplain’s Office, Dean of Students, Health and Wellness Education, MiddCORE, Health and Counseling Center, Residential Life, Student Activities, Student Creativity, Engagement, and Careers, Student Life Deans 

District E - Representing: (85 members) Budget Office, College Bookstore, Controller’s Office, Finance and Treasurer’s Office, Human Resources, Public Safety, Ralph Myhre Golf Course, Rikert Outdoor Center, Snowbowl, Student Employment Office, Student Financial Services, Student Mail Center 

District L - Representing: (69 members) Library, Information Technology Services 

District K - Representing: (104 members) Dining Services 

Member at Large (Monterey) - Representing: All Staff 

Member at Large (Vermont) - Representing: All Staff


Each year half the Staff Council districts come up for election. Staff can nominate themselves or another staff by submitting the nominations form.


Staff Council reaches out to each nominee to confirm they want to be included on the ballot prior to voting opening. You will be asked to complete a candidate statement with the following questions:

  • Why are you interested in joining Staff Council? (Ex. what committee or project experience do you draw from or hope to develop as a district representative?) 
  • What would you say are the top 2-3 issues you’d be excited for Staff Council to prioritize? 
  • How do you see yourself connecting with staff in your district and bringing their voices to the table? 

Each staff member will receive an email with a link to a the Google voting form for their district. You will need to log into your Middlebury Google account with your Middlebury.edu email address and password. Each person will only be able to complete the voting form once.