30 Items

  1. FacultyStaff

    Guidance on Returning to Work on Campus

    | by Jeff Cason, Karen Miller, and Mark Peluso

    It is understandable that you may be eager to get back to work on campus. All of us would like this to happen but for the sake of everyone’s health and safety, if you have been working from home, please continue to do so until you have permission to return. Human Resources will coordinate with supervisors to plan a transition back to campus, and supervisors will continue to communicate directly with staff. 

  2. FacultyStaff

    If You or a Household Member Becomes Sick

    | by Mark Peluso, Jeff Cason, and Karen Miller

    It is important for all of us to make a plan should we or a member of our family become sick from COVID-19. This message is especially relevant for those staff in Vermont deemed essential since they have continued to work on campus. We ask that supervisors of essential staff make sure to share this information with their employees. 

  3. FacultyStaff

    Updates on Wage Continuity

    | by Karen Miller and David Provost

    We want to follow up on David Provost’s recent email regarding the impact of COVID-19 on Middlebury’s finances. As David described, the impact is significant, and it will affect every department throughout our operations. Working through so many big questions, our top priorities continue to be wage and academic continuity.

  4. FacultyStaffStudents

    Supporting Our Community/Porter Medical Center

    | by David Provost, Mark Peluso, and Karen Miller

    We write today to follow up on President Patton’s recent email that mentioned the College’s work to support the community. As part of this effort, the College will provide urgently needed temporary housing for a small number of University of Vermont Health Network/Porter Medical Center employees, maximizing safety for all members of the College community.

  5. FacultyStaff

    Essential Employees Update Regarding New Executive Order

    | by Karen Miller and David Provost

    As you may know, late this afternoon Governor Scott issued a new Executive Order titled “Stay Home/Stay Safe” that will take effect at 5:00 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25. The order states that many Vermont businesses must suspend in-person business operations, except for “businesses and entities providing services or functions deemed critical to public health and safety.”

  6. FacultyMiddlebury InstituteStaff

    Temporary Hiring Freeze

    | by Karen Miller

    We continue to process the impacts of social distancing on our operations. Our recent decisions mean that many individuals are now working remotely, and others, while working on campus, are working in new ways that further social distancing. In light of these changes and given our intent to ensure pay continuity for our existing staff for as long as possible, we do not believe this is the time to add new employees to our workforce.

  7. Staff

    Staff Who Are New York Residents

    | by Karen Miller

    As many of you have heard, Governor Cuomo has issued an executive order requiring non-essential businesses to close and to keep their workers at home as of 8:00 pm tonight, Sunday, March 22.

  8. Staff

    The New Middlebury Workplace

    | by Laurie Patton, Karen Miller, and David Provost

    Karen, David, and I are following up on the news from this morning that an individual in Addison County has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. We had a lot of information in there from a public health perspective and will, of course, continue to communicate that vital content as we follow developments around COVID-19. We also know that you have questions and concerns about what working at Middlebury will look like in the months ahead, and how your jobs and lives—and those of your families and loved ones—will be affected.