We’ve made a number of updates to Profiles and Profile Listings on our new Drupal sites. You may now specify your pronouns, set the title of the “Publications” section to something that best describes your work like “Creative Works”, “Performances”, or “Professional Associations”, and you can expand your biographical section to include images and additional text. The profile detail screen now shows a list of all the pages where your profile appears and the profile listing shows your scholarly identity icons and larger images.
When browsing a list of courses on a department or program page, you will now see a series of radio buttons that allow you to filter the list so that only current (taught this term) or upcoming (taught in the next two terms) courses are shown in the list.
We are writing to update you on our continued and exciting progress with all of Middlebury’s Drupal websites. Our goal, as always, is to be as supportive and responsive as possible to all your web needs, and we encourage you to reach out to us with any questions.