• Middlebury College Carillon Series: John Whiteside, Carillonneur, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Cohasset, MA

    As part of the Carillon Series’ Fall Festival, and in conjunction with the annual Clifford Symposium, John Whiteside will perform a beautiful concert from Middlebury Chapel’s bell tower. The melodic sounds of the carillon bells will ring out across the campus. Bring a lawn chair or a blanket! Free and open to the public.

    Click here for more information about the carillon series and to view programs for each concert.

    5:00 PM

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public

  • Middlebury College Carillon Series: Dr. Andrea McCrady, Dominion Carillonneur, Canada

    As part of the Carillon Series’ Fall Festival, and in conjunction with Fall Family Weekend, Dr. Andrea McCrady will perform a beautiful concert from Middlebury Chapel’s bell tower. The melodic sounds of the carillon bells will ring out across the campus. Bring a lawn chair or a blanket! Free and open to the public.

    Click here for more information about the carillon series and to view programs for each concert.

    5:00 PM

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public

  • artist sitting at a piano

    The Response Project: Tremor

    Tremor is a concert of new piano works commissioned by Brianna Matzke in response to her essential tremor diagnosis. Composers Molly Joyce, Hanna Benn, Adeliia Faizullina, Matthew Evan Taylor, and Forrest Pierce used Matzke’s neurological condition as inspiration to explore perceptions of ability/disability, personal expression in the face of misunderstanding, and belonging in a world ill-equipped to welcome.

    Mahaney Arts Center, Olin C. Robison Concert Hall

    Open to the Public


  • Middlebury College Carillon Series: Carla Staffaroni, MA ’20, Assistant Carillonneur, Riverside Church, NYC

    As part of the Carillon Series’ Fall Festival, Middlebury Spanish School alumna Carla Staffaroni will perform a beautiful concert from Middlebury Chapel’s bell tower. The melodic sounds of the carillon bells will ring out across the campus. Bring a lawn chair or a blanket! Free and open to the public.

    Click here for more information about the carillon series and to view programs for each concert.

    5:00 PM

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public

  • Middlebury College Carillon Series: Jessica Ip, Assistant Carillonneur, University of Chicago

    As part of the Carillon Series’ Fall Festival, guest artist Jessica Ip will perform a beautiful concert from Middlebury Chapel’s bell tower. The melodic sounds of the carillon bells will ring out across the campus. Bring a lawn chair or a blanket! Free and open to the public.

    Click here for more information about the carillon series and to view programs for each concert.

    5:00 PM

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public

  • Middlebury College Carillon Series: George Matthew Jr., Carillonneur, Middlebury College and Norwich University

    In this final concert of the Carillon Series’ Fall Festival, George Matthew Jr. plays a beautiful concert from Middlebury Chapel’s bell tower. The melodic sounds of the carillon bells will ring out across the campus. Bring a lawn chair or a blanket! Free and open to the public.

    Click here for more information about the carillon series and to view programs for each concert.

    5:00 PM

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public

  • Community Chorus Fall Concert

    Come hear the beloved Community Chorus sing under the direction of Ronnie Romano ‘20. This will be an evening to remember! 

    Watch the livestream of the performance here

    Mahaney Arts Center, Olin C. Robison Concert Hall

    Open to the Public


  • Composers in Concert

    Exciting new works by student composers from Music 209. Watch the livestream of the performance here

    Mahaney Arts Center, Olin C. Robison Concert Hall

    Open to the Public