Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q When is cultural org training? Is it mandatory?
The president and treasurer are required to attend the Cultural Org training which is held at the beginning of each year in the fall. The training will provide you with an overview of MILC’s role in helping your organization, share tools, and instructions about budgeting, policy updates, resources, and forms. Cultural org leaders will also have opportunities to attend further trainings and leadership development workshops throughout the year.
Q What is MiddLink? Do orgs have to re-register each year?
Yes, you must re-register each year in MiddLink, the online portal to track student org information and involvement. It is important that you re-register on time, as delayed registration may affect your allocation of funds, ability to reserve rooms, and plan events.
Q What is the Student Org Handbook?
The Student Org Handbook, found at go/studentorghandbook, details everything you need to know to help manage your student organization, including instructions for registering on MiddLink, tips on budgeting and event planning, or guidelines for fundraising. Familiarity with this information will help you maximize the success of your activities. All student orgs, including the MILC cluster orgs, must still follow the general rules and guidelines outlined in the Handbook, such as being unable to use the org budget for fundraisers.
Q What is a shadow budget?
The shadow budget will help your organization keep track of your allocation balance and may be more accurate than budget reports. Treasurers are required to use the shadow budget to keep track of org spending. Organizations will be audited monthly to ensure that they are keeping their expenses up to date. See an example of a shadow budget.
Q Do I need to keep my receipts?
Yes. Receipts are critical and must be submitted within two weeks of purchase. Receipts submitted more than two weeks past the purchase date will not be reimbursed, with the exception of legitimate org expenses incurred over breaks. In such cases, the submission deadline will be two weeks from the first day of classes after break.
Q My organization wants to buy something for a club-related activity online (ex. Amazon) or order food from a restaurant in town. Is there a credit card for orgs to use?
Yes. You can come to the AFC and use the AFC credit card during office hours. Purchases may only be made within the AFC and the credit card may not be taken out. In other words, if you are ordering over the phone or from an online site, you must do so from within the AFC building itself. Credit card information will not be sent via text or email. After you make your purchase, please print the receipt immediately and fill out the voucher properly and submit to Jennifer Herrera Condry directly.
Q How do I submit a voucher?
To submit a voucher, please use the following steps:
- Complete the online form and print it, or come into the AFC and pick up a copy to manually fill out.
- Complete highlighted sections as applicable (i.e. name of purchaser, student ID, and Org index).
- Neatly tape itemized receipt or invoice to a blank piece of paper and write the purchaser’s name and ID.
- The treasurer’s signature is required on every voucher.
- Receipts should be submitted to MILC within two weeks of purchase. Reimbursements cannot be issued beyond this two-week period.
Q My organization needs more money or wants to host an event we didn’t factor into our budget. What should we do?
You can apply for more funds at least two weeks prior to when you need the funds to be available.
Q Can only student orgs apply for the flex fund?
No, individuals may apply for the flex fund, provided that their initiative aligns with MILC’s mission and/or benefits members of the community.
Q What is the pay rate for someone who performed work that was one time?
For work that was one time, you must complete a voucher and also fill out a pay card, which can be obtained from Jennifer Herrera Condry.
In terms of pay rates, the Student Employment Office website offers the following suggestions:
- Crowd Managers: Paid at the Level C Base Rate.
- Van Drivers: Paid at the Level B Base Rate.
- DJs/Musicians: $25 per hour (per musician).
- Photographers and Videographers: Paid via the Student Wage Scale based upon criteria identified in the Wage Level Definitions.