All incoming undergraduate students must set up their Student Health Portal and complete/upload the appropriate forms to begin their time at Middlebury.

Students in summer programs should follow the instructions and expectations communicated by their programs with respect to health insurance coverage requirements and preparations to come to Vermont, California, or other campuses. 

Student Health Form Due Dates

  • June 15 for fall admission
  • November 15 for February admission

Activate your Student Health Portal

Log into the Student Health Portal to activate your account.

Register for the student health portal using your address. Enter your password for your Middlebury account and your multi-factor authentication (MFA) challenge, if prompted.

Vermont State Immunization Requirements

All Middlebury College undergraduate students must come to campus with the Immunizations Required by Vermont Law for all matriculated undergraduate students. New students must obtain a copy of their up to date immunization record and compare it with the requirements to attend college in Vermont. Missing immunizations need to be acquired before arrival for fall or February move in. 

New students who are unable to acquire all required immunizations (e.g. lack availability in country, time required between doses in a series, etc.) and submit their documentation to the student health portal by the deadline (June 15 or November 15) must complete and upload a Request for Provisional Admittance to their portal. Students who do not have complete immunization records and who have not been approved for Provisional Admittance will not be allowed to move in to their residence hall and begin orientation. It is important to note that students who are approved for Provisional Admittance may be required to leave campus in the event of a disease outbreak related to their outstanding immunizations. 

New students who have a physical or wellness exam scheduled before they arrive on campus should not wait until that appointment if they are missing immunizations. Calling your healthcare provider and/or local pharmacy to explore immunization options as soon as possible can avoid delays and unwanted exclusions from campus. 

If you have any religious or medical exemptions, please complete the Vermont College Immunizations Exemptions Form as applicable. It is important to note that students immunization exemptions may be required to leave campus in the event of a disease outbreak related to their exemptions. 

Required New Student Health Forms

The following forms must be completed in the Student Health Portal under My Forms:

  • Health History Form (once complete you can print it and bring a copy for a healthcare provider to review if you have scheduled an upcoming physical)
  • Emergency Contacts Form
  • Confidentiality and Consent to Treat Form
  • Tuberculosis Screening 

The following must be uploaded to the Student Health Portal:

The following are recommended for upload to the Student Health Portal:

  • A physical examination report from the last year

Please note that all forms must be in English and legible if they are handwritten. 

When portal forms have been completed in the portal or copies have been uploaded and reviewed, they will disappear from your list in My Forms

Uploading to the Student Health Portal

When uploading information it is important to select the correct Document Type to expedite the review and approval of your images.

To upload an image to your Student Health Portal, select Document Type, then the appropriate type for the image/record using the table below:

Uploaded Item Document Type
Immunization Record Immunization Record
Healthcare Provider Form/Physical Exam Healthcare Provider Form
Physician TB Form Physician TB Form
Insurance Card(s) Insurance Card Primary
Insurance Card Secondary
Insurance Card Dental
Religious and Medical Immunization Exemptions Immunization Exemption

New Student Athletes

If you are an incoming athlete, please follow First-Time Athletic Participant Clearance Procedures in addition to those listed above for all new students.

Helpful Links

New Student Frequently Asked Questions


Scroll back up through the form and look for any red “X” marks, indicating a required field, missing information, or improperly formatted information. Once you’ve corrected your entries, the “X” will disappear and you can click Submit again.


Check to see if your document(s) are too large. There is a 10 MG limit per upload to the Student Health Portal.  Also check to see if you are uploading using one of the listed, accepted formats. If you have verified that both the size and format are correct you can fax the documents to 802-443-2066 as a last resort.


To log into the Student Health Portal you must have activated your Middlebury College account which results in your access to your Middlebury email address and the creation of a single sign-on password.

Register for the Student Health Portal using your address. Enter your password for your Middlebury account and your multi-factor authentication (MFA) challenge, if prompted.

Access to set up your Middlebury credentials and the ability to use them to log into the Student Health Portal are typically granted to new undergraduates in mid-May. Review your canvas course for access dates. 


No, documents should be uploaded as complete, multi-page documents when necessary.  Scan all existing pages into one document (less than 10 MB), and upload into the appropriate category from the Document Type drop down menu, from the Document Upload Tab. If your document is larger than 10 MB in size, split the pages into as many sections as necessary to upload them in parts ensuring that the pages are accurately numbered. 


Follow the instructions and upload any records (must be in English) that are available, along with the Request for Provisional Admittance form that outlines a plan for when any missing vaccines can be received. In some cases, students without evidence of immunization can submit blood test results that show immunity against varicella, measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B. Ask your doctor if these tests are available and upload the results. Get as many of the required immunizations as possible and upload your immunization record (in English) and/or the Request for Provisional Admittance form prior to arrival. If you get some immunizations just prior to arrival, bring a copy of your updated immunization record with you.

Ideally, testing and/or immunization happens prior to arrival at Middlebury; however, Parton Health Center staff will work with ISSS and international students who need help receiving vaccines that may be difficult to receive in their home countries.


In some cases, students without evidence of immunization can submit blood test results that show immunity against varicella, measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B. Ask your doctor if these tests are available and upload the results.

Get as many of the required immunizations as possible and upload your immunization record (in English) and/or the Request for Provisional Admittance form, prior to arrival. If you get some immunizations just prior to arrival, bring a copy of your updated immunization record with you.


You can submit blood test results that show immunity against varicella, measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B or get the missing immunizations at your healthcare provider’s office, an urgent care center, or even a pharmacy in some states. Be sure to get and make copies of the immunization and upload them to Parton via the portal. It is always a good idea to bring a copy with you as well.


There are a variety of issues that can occur when trying to upload documents. Sometimes documents are too big for uploading, or they may have been uploaded to the wrong section or assigned the wrong Document Type. Please refer to the troubleshooting section of this web page.

If there is an upload link available on your portal page, you can try to upload the document again. If you’re still stuck, call Health Services at 802-443-5135.


The Vermont immunization requirements are consistent with current recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. In order for you to be compliant with the Vermont immunization rule, you must meet these date recommendations.

If you do not, you can ask your healthcare provider to do a blood test to see if you have immunity, or simply have another dose of the immunization. We strongly encourage you to speak with your healthcare provider and resolve the issue as soon as possible. Please resubmit any new information as soon as possible.


The most common reason for students being told that they are not in compliance with Vermont immunization law is that the healthcare provider who reviewed their immunization record did not compare their records to the Vermont State requirements. Though the student has received immunizations, they were not administered in a manner consistent with current recommendations by the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

In order for you to be compliant with the Vermont immunization rule, you must meet the date recommendations. If you do not, you can ask your healthcare provider to do a blood test to see if you have immunity, or simply have another dose of the immunization. We strongly encourage you to speak with your healthcare provider and resolve the issue as soon as possible. Please resubmit any new information as soon as possible.


The required health forms and documents are the responsibility of each incoming student. Health Services does not provide physicals to meet pre-arrival requirements. New students are welcome to call, email, or set up a time to troubleshoot the student health portal or review their specific questions related to their health needs.


Middlebury College is complying with Vermont State law which requires a specific set of immunizations for undergraduates who come to our state. 


Health Services staff can help during business hours (8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday) at 802-443-5135. You may also submit a Helpdesk ticket (email