Summer Service-Learning and Internships
The Center for Community Engagement supports summer programs in our local Addison County community, domestically, and globally.
Current Options
- Jiran: The Arabic Community Action Summer:
Jiran (جيران) is a summer language program that pairs intermediate and advanced Arabic students with underserved Arabic-speaking families in New Britain, Connecticut. - Privilege & Poverty Internships:
As part of the experiential component of the Privilege & Poverty Academic Cluster, the CCE offers annual summer internship opportunities locally in Addison County and nationally. You can make a difference while working in law, immigration, health, food and nutrition, housing, and more! - History in Translation program: History in Translation is an annual intercultural summer program where students from diverse linguistic, cultural, and educational contexts gather as a cohort to explore an historical experience or event in service of present- day social justice - and the vision of an equitable and inclusive future.
- Community Engagement @ the Language Schools: CE@LS is a cohort-based internship opportunity through which bilingual Middlebury undergraduates facilitate collaborative, community-connected projects between Language School students, community-based organizations, and/or educational partners in a language-immersive environment.
- Japan Summer Service-Learning Program:
The Japan Summer Service-Learning Program (JSSL) is a collaborative, intercultural service-learning program that brings together undergraduates from Middlebury, International Christian University (ICU), and multiple member universities of the Service-Learning Asia Network.
Additional Summer Options
Projects for Peace: Undergraduate students at more than 100 college campuses across the United States, including Middlebury students, are eligible to design and submit proposals that address the goal of improving the prospects for peace in the 21st century. Applications are submitted to the Innovation Hub; more information here.
Become an Orientation Summer Intern! Orientation Summer Interns serve as critical members of the college’s fall orientation planning team by designing and coordinating all aspects of the new student experience. These are full-time, paid positions.
Learn more about all the summer programs offered in partnership with Middlebury College.