Protective Health Behaviors
Our individual behaviors impact our own health, and our entire community. Read about why these individual actions are important:
Staying Informed
Health conditions in the region, in Addison County, and on campus can change quickly. The state of Vermont or College requirements may change in response to the evolving conditions.
What is important to know:
During the summer, the Campus Status web page will provide the Middlebury community with the most up-to-date information about current requirements on campus. The community will also be kept informed through email announcements and updates.
COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements >
Daily Health Check
Anyone who is sick or has had a possible exposure to COVID-19 should stay away from others to reduce the chances of spreading illness.
What is important to know:
Students, faculty, and staff are required to conduct a daily health check prior to interacting with anyone on campus and may not come to campus if they have symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive for the virus. Health checks should include daily temperature checks with personal thermometers they have brought to campus, daily symptom checks, and ensuring they have not been in close contact with an individual who is positive for COVID-19.
Students with symptoms should contact Health Services at 802-443-3290 for guidance during office hours and MiddTelehealth after hours and on weekends. Employees with symptoms should remain at home and self-isolate and should contact their healthcare provider for further guidance, as well as their supervisor. Individuals with severe or sudden-onset symptoms should call 911.
Face Coverings
Wearing a cloth face covering is one of the most effective methods to help prevent the spread of the virus—particularly when used universally within a community setting.
What is important to know:
Currently, until we can verify the vaccination status of the entire campus, cloth face coverings must be worn by students, faculty, and staff as follows:
Indoors: Well-fitting face coverings are required indoors, except when alone in a private space or work area, when eating or drinking (with physical distance from others), or when attending to personal hygiene needs in the bathroom.
Outdoors: Face coverings are required outdoors when in a crowded place or when you are unable to avoid sustained or prolonged close contact with others. Face coverings should be carried in the event circumstances require their use.
Please consult the Campus Status web page for detailed information regarding face covering requirements.
Middlebury will make disposable face coverings available for those who cannot provide their own. Face coverings will also be for sale at the bookstore and MiddXpress.
Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to use the face coverings of their choosing as long as they comply with current CDC guidance on face coverings. Face coverings must completely cover the nose and mouth and fit securely and snugly against the sides of the face. Masks with one-way valves are not allowed, as they do not effectively protect others. Individuals are expected to launder and care for their own face coverings. If single-day-use masks are used, they must be disposed of responsibly.
If a student or employee has a disability or medical condition that requires accommodations for a specific type of mask or face covering, they must contact the Disability Resource Center (students) or Human Resources (faculty and staff). The ability to wear face coverings in a variety of settings (indoor and outdoor) and in varying temperatures and for extended periods of time will be an essential requirement for students and employees who will be on campus.
Physical Distancing
One of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of the virus is to limit close face-to-face contact with others. While airborne and surface transmission is possible, COVID-19 typically spreads when people are in close contact (within about six feet) and when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, and droplets from their mouth or nose come into contact with others. People can spread the virus before knowing they are sick.
What is important to know:
Living and working together on a college campus during a pandemic requires a community approach. Practicing physical distancing requires us to make significant changes to how we live, work, and study. Social interactions can still occur in a safe way. Currently, campus common spaces such as classrooms, dining spaces, break rooms, labs, event spaces, and lounges have been adjusted and rearranged to allow for physical distancing. The Campus Status web page will have the most up-to-date information on residential space capacities and physical distancing requirements.
Until our requirements change, individuals must respect one another’s personal space and maintain physical distances of at least six feet from others, including in common spaces throughout buildings such as entryways, hallways, stairways, and restrooms. Employees may perform necessary work tasks within six feet of another employee only when the activity is approved by a supervisor as part of the departmental COVID-19 Exposure Control Plan.
Gatherings and Events
Vermont data shows that many COVID-19 outbreaks were associated with social gatherings where face coverings were not worn and physical distancing was not maintained. Gathering with others who are unvaccinated can be done in a way that reduces the spread of COVID-19—when gatherings consist of people who are wearing face coverings, maintaining physical distance, and doing so in approved locations. Summer 2021 will be a transition period where mitigation measures will likely become unnecessary due to widespread vaccination. Gathering and event safety guidance will evolve during this transition period and be available on the Campus Status web page.
What is important to know:
Informal indoor social gatherings must comply with any applicable room occupancy limits. All gatherings and events must follow Vermont’s Restart Guidance for Higher Education, which remains in effect until July 4, and any other Middlebury College guidelines in place. Events require approval by the COVID Event Review Team and must comply with COVID-19 capacity and event guidelines. Until we are a fully vaccinated campus, activities are safer if everyone is wearing face coverings, physical distancing is maintained, and the activities are held in well-ventilated spaces––outdoors whenever possible.
The Campus Status web page has the most up-to-date information on gathering and event sizes.
Campus Event Review
Many campus events can be held in a way that reduces the risk of exposure to attendees. The Department of Event Management review process helps prospective hosts put in place appropriate measures to minimize the chance of viral transmission.
What is important to know:
All campus events, inside and outside, must be approved through the Department of Event Management. Whenever possible, meetings and events should use virtual platforms (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, telephone, etc.). Availability of space is limited due to capacity reductions aligned with COVID-19 physical distancing requirements. Priority of space use during summer 2021 will be for meetings, events, and activities involving students. Meetings and events that are solely for faculty and staff should be held virtually unless there is a specific need for in-person activity, in which case an event request should be submitted for review.
All use of space (indoor and outdoor) must comply with the maximum occupancy for the space being used and meet applicable event size requirements.
Guidelines for hosting visitors and use of College space for non-College events will be determined once we are a fully vaccinated campus. Because the College campus is closed to the public, visitors are not allowed except with departmental or Language Schools permission. Visitors must be fully vaccinated, or approved mitigation measures must be in place.
Hand Hygiene
Washing hands or using hand sanitizer eliminates germs and lowers the risk of getting infected with a virus when someone touches their face, nose, or eyes. This practice prevents someone who is infected (even if they don’t feel sick) from spreading germs to others when touching shared surfaces.
What is important to know:
Students, faculty, and staff should frequently and thoroughly wash their hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, especially when entering a new area, after being in a public place, or after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing, or touching their face. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Hand sanitizer is located inside the entrances to campus buildings and in classrooms and event spaces.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands, and do not touch any personal items or eat with unwashed hands. Disinfect personal items such as keys, cell phones, and keyboards frequently. Individuals should always cover their mouth and nose with tissues when they cough or sneeze or direct the sneeze into the inside of their elbow. All used tissues should be thrown in the trash. Immediately wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
Gloves are not necessary for general use in the COVID-19 pandemic and do not replace frequent and thorough handwashing. Gloves and other personal protective equipment may be required in certain labs or for other work areas as advised by managers or supervisors.