Post Award Grant Administration is responsible for the post-award management of all externally sponsored research grants, contracts, and awards. 

This includes working closely with the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs and accounting in reviewing proposals, setting up new awards, monitoring expenditures for compliance and funding, billing sponsors, preparing financial reports, and other post-award requests. Grants accounting also assists Principal Investigators throughout the post award process and works with accounting on the annual Uniform Guidance audit.

Frequently Asked Questions


Whether from a Federal or private sponsor, every sponsored award typically has unique terms and conditions. Please ensure that you read through your award and become familiar with its terms and conditions, paying particular attention to the period of performance, reporting deadlines, and deliverable requirements.

Common Federal award policies and resources:


There are two ways to obtain your grant financial report:

  • Every PI is set up to receive automated monthly reports for their grant(s) via a SharePoint folder. The SharePoint folder is labeled with the unique grant designation and name, and is typically shared with the PI within one week of formal EDORDA setup in Oracle. The reports are generated on or around the 10th of every month and are valid through the end of the previous month (e.g., the financial report valid through April 30th is generated on May 10th). 
  • If required, an off-cycle report can be requested by emailing Wesley Court, Director of Post Award Administration. 


Faculty must formally request and sign off on all faculty salary requests (summer salary, academic year salary, or course release) paid from Federal or private grants. This can be done by completing the Time and Effort Form and submitting it to Wesley Court, Director of Post Award Administration. Instructions on how to complete this form accurately can be found in the T&E Guidelines document.


When purchases are made near the end of the project it is more difficult to demonstrate that they benefit the project.  Purchases made within the last 90 days of an award should be limited and reviewed to ensure that they are received during the period of performance, and documentation should be provided to the Controller’s office justifying how the item or service benefited the project during the period of performance.


PIs can request certain amendments to the conditions of their grant (e.g., no-cost extensions, budget re-allocation, and pre-award spending). This can be done by completing the Grant Modification Form and submitting it to Wesley Court, Director of Post Award Administration, and Nick Brightman, Associate Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs.