Links to various scholarly identity websites

Profiles on all of our new Drupal sites now support the addition of links to your Scholarly Identity including ORCiD, Google Scholar, Scopus, and GitHub. You can use these services to help manage your list of publications, making the task of keeping your profile up-to-date simpler. The links will be displayed in the Publications section of the profile, above the bibliography, for those who choose to include them.

Additionally, we’ve expanded the number of links you can add to your profile. Previously, we had a single link field, suggested for use linking to your CV. You can now include as many links as you like, so that you can feature your CV, personal homepage, and other websites or resources you’d like associated with your professional presence at Middlebury. We have moved this section to just below the biography section of the profile, along with the social media links.

The links section of the profile showing a link to a CV, a personal homepage, facebook, and twitter.

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