
  • Drupal 8.9.18
  • Drupal field_group 8.x-3.2
  • Drupal jsonapi_image_styles 2.0.0-beta3
  • WordPress co-authors-plus plugin 3.4.91
  • WordPress ml-slider plugin 3.22.1
  • WordPress seriously-simple-podcasting plugin 2.8.1
  • WordPress sydney-toolbox plugin 1.17
  • WordPress editorial-calendar plugin 3.7.10
  • In preparation for the upgrade to Drupal 9 later this autumn we updated the database servers that support the Drupal system to MariaDB 10.4 running on new servers.

Fixes and Tweaks

  • Swaziland has been renamed to Eswatini in the Davis Projects for Peace site.

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