LibrarySearch will be view-only June 26th - July 22nd. Click here for details on service changes during this time.
Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: 10am - 5pm

Abbott, S. (2014). Simon McBurney’s ambitious pursuit of the pure maths play. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 39(3), 224–237.

Bernhardt, H. S., & Sandwick, R. K. (2014). Purine Biosynthetic Intermediate-Containing Ribose-Phosphate Polymers as Evolutionary Precursors to RNA. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 79(3-4), 91–104.

Bockheim, J. G., & Munroe, J. S. (2014). Organic carbon pools and genesis of alpine soils with permafrost: A review. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 46(4), 987–1006.

Chakrabarti, A., Xiong, Y., Sun, B., Darrell, T., Scharstein, D., Zickler, T., & Saenko, K. (2014). Modeling radiometric uncertainty for vision with tone-mapped color images. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 36(11), 2185–2198.

Christman, A., & Forcier, W. (2014). Maximizing revenues for on-line dial-a-ride (Vol. 8881). Retrieved from…

Chung, H., Andrews, C., & North, C. (2014). A survey of software frameworks for cluster-based large high-resolution displays. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(8), 1158–1177.

Cooper, A. S., Pikhurko, O., Schmitt, J. R., & Warrington, G. S. (2014). Martin Gardner’s minimum no-3-in-a-line problem. American Mathematical Monthly, 121(3), 213–221.

Daumann, L. J., Larrabee, J. A., Ollis, D., Schenk, G., & Gahan, L. R. (2014). Immobilization of the enzyme GpdQ on magnetite nanoparticles for organophosphate pesticide bioremediation. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 131, 1–7.

Downey, J. S., Mashburn-Warren, L., Ayala, E. A., Senadheera, D. B., Hendrickson, W. K., McCall, L. W., … Spatafora, G. A., Goodman, S. D. (2014). In vitro manganese-dependent cross-talk between streptococcus mutans vick and GCRR: Implications for overlapping stress response pathways. PLoS ONE, 9(12).

Endert, A., Hossain, M. S., Ramakrishnan, N., North, C., Fiaux, P., & Andrews, C. (2014). The human is the loop: new directions for visual analytics. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 43(3), 411–435.

Graham, M. J., Djorgovski, S. G., Drake, A. J., Mahabal, A. A., Chang, M., Stern, D., … Glikman, E. (2014). A novel variability-based method for quasar selection: Evidence for a rest-frame ~54 d characteristic time-scale. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 439(1), 703–718.

Graham, N. (2014). Casimir energies of periodic dielectric gratings. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 90(3).

Graham, N., Quandt, M., & Weigel, H. (2014). Casimir energy of frequency dependent interactions. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 90(8).

Grogan, J., Landis, R. M., Free, C. M., Schulze, M. D., Lentini, M., & Ashton, M. S. (2014). Big-leaf mahogany Swietenia macrophylla population dynamics and implications for sustainable management. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51(3), 664–674.

Horn, C., Manduca, C., & Kauchak, D. (2014). Learning a lexical simplifier using Wikipedia (Vol. 2, pp. 458–463). Presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2014 - Proceedings of the Conference. Retrieved from…

Jackson, D., Allen, D., Perfecto, I., & Vandermeer, J. (2014). Self-organization of background habitat determines the nature of population spatial structure. Oikos, 123(6), 751–761.

Johnson, J. E., West, D. P., Jr., Condit, C. B., & Mahan, K. H. (2014). Strain localization in the Spanish Creek mylonite, Northern Madison Range, southwest Montana, U.S.A. Rocky Mountain Geology, 49(2), 91–114.

Kazmier, K., Sharma, S., Islam, S. M., Roux, B., Mchaourab, H. S., & Wright, E. M. (2014). Conformational cycle and ion-coupling mechanism of the Na+/hydantoin transporter Mhp1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(41), 14752–14757.

Kazmier, K., Sharma, S., Quick, M., Islam, S. M., Roux, B., Weinstein, H., … McHaourab, H. S. (2014). Conformational dynamics of ligand-dependent alternating access in LeuT. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 21(5), 472–479.

Kim, J., Ryan, P., Klepeis, K., Gleeson, T., North, K., Bean, J., … Filoon, J. (2014). Tectonic evolution of a Paleozoic thrust fault influences the hydrogeology of a fractured rock aquifer, northeastern Appalachian foreland. Geofluids, 14(3), 266–290.

Macdonald, F. A., Ryan-Davis, J., Coish, R. A., Crowley, J. L., & Karabinos, P. (2014). A newly identified Gondwanan terrane in the northern Appalachian Mountains: Implications for the Taconic orogeny and closure of the Iapetus Ocean. Geology, 42(6), 539–542.

Majerczyk, C., Brittnacher, M., Jacobs, M., Armour, C. D., Bunt, R., Radey, M., … Peter Greenberg, E. (2014). Global analysis of the Burkholderia thailandensis quorum sensing-controlled regulon. Journal of Bacteriology, 196(7), 1412–1424.

Majerczyk, C. D., Brittnacher, M. J., Jacobs, M. A., Armour, C. D., Radey, M. C., Bunt, R., … Greenberg, E. P. (2014). Cross-species comparison of the Burkholderia pseudomallei, Burkholderia thailandensis, and Burkholderia mallei quorum-sensing regulons. Journal of Bacteriology, 196(22), 3862–3871.

McHone, J. G., Hussey II, A. M., West Jr., D. P., & Bailey, D. G. (2014). The Christmas Cove Dyke of coastal Maine, USA, and regional sources for Early Mesozoic flood basalts in northeastern North America. Atlantic Geology, 50, 66–90.

Merchant, A. T., & Spatafora, G. A. (2014). A role for the DtxR family of metalloregulators in gram-positive pathogenesis. Molecular Oral Microbiology, 29(1), 1–10.

Munroe, J. S., Attwood, E. C., O’Keefe, S. S., & Quackenbush, P. J. M. (2015). Eolian deposition in the alpine zone of the Uinta Mountains, Utah, USA. Catena, 124, 119–129.

Newman, D. J., & Giddings, L.-A. (2014). Natural products as leads to antitumor drugs. Phytochemistry Reviews, 13(1), 123–137.

Prozument, K., Barratt Park, G., Shaver, R. G., Vasiliou, A. K., Oldham, J. M., David, D. E., … Field, R. W. (2014). Chirped-pulse millimeter-wave spectroscopy for dynamics and kinetics studies of pyrolysis reactions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(30), 15739–15751.

Qiao, H., Prasada Rao, H. B. D., Yang, Y., Fong, J. H., Cloutier, J. M., Deacon, D. C., … Ward, J. (2014). Antagonistic roles of ubiquitin ligase HEI10 and SUMO ligase RNF212 regulate meiotic recombination. Nature Genetics, 46(2), 194–199.

Shulman, L. M., & Spritzer, M. D. (2014). Changes in the sexual behavior and testosterone levels of male rats in response to daily interactions with estrus females. Physiology and Behavior, 133, 8–13.

Tewksbury, J. J., Anderson, J. G. T., Bakker, J. D., Billo, T. J., Dunwiddie, P. W., Groom, M. J., … Trombulak, S.C., & Wheeler, T. A. (2014). Natural history’s place in science and society. BioScience, 64(4), 300–310.

West Jr., D. P., Abbott Jr., R. N., Bandy, B. R., & Kunk, M. J. (2014). Protolith provenance and thermotectonic history of metamorphic rocks in eastern Jamaica: Evolution of a transform plate boundary. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 126(3-4), 600–614.