LibrarySearch will be view-only June 26th - July 22nd. Click here for details on service changes during this time.
Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: 10am - 5pm

The Library strives to provide the best possible service to everyone regardless of ability.

If you need help please speak with staff at any of our service desks, call Circulation Services at (802) 443-5494, or email

To request accommodations not mentioned here, please contact the Middlebury Disability Resource Center (DRC).

Davis Family Library


There are two accessible parking spaces near the back entrance of Davis Family Library. To avoid ticketing, please ensure plates or placard are visible while parked in these spaces.

Learn more about parking on campus


The main entrance is accessible by a paved path, though many approaches to the building include a slope. If you are able, enter the library through the main entrance.

The rear entrance on Storrs Ave. is about 100 feet from accessible parking spaces. Access through this entrance is granted to the following groups as needed:

Contact ADA coordinators to request access
Faculty and staff
Contact Human Resources to request access
Apply for access at Circulation Services. Access only granted to guests with government-issued disabled plates or placard

Emergency Exits

Please note that the Main Level and Lower Level have at-grade exits. The Upper Level and Mezzanines are accessible only by elevators, which may not be used in case of fire.

If you are a wheelchair user, and you can’t exit the building during a fire alarm, wait inside one of the stairwells for rescue personnel. If possible:

  • make note of the staircase number (1-4) and ask someone exiting the building to notify emergency responders of your location

  • call 911 from a cell phone to alert rescuers of your location.

The stairwells are designed as “safe zones” during a fire with doors that shut automatically and an independent air circulation system.

Elevator #2 in the northeast corner of the building is designed to operate on the emergency generator during a power failure.

Learn more about Davis Family Library.

Armstrong Library


Park in the designated spots next to McCardell Bicentennial Hall on Bicentennial Way.


Armstrong Library is located within McCardell Bicentennial Hall. Upon entering the building, take the elevator to the second level. The front door of Armstrong Library is diagonal to the elevators in the Great Hall. There are elevators inside Armstrong Library, located in the southwest corner.

Emergency Exits

Both of the emergency exits on the first level are at-grade. On the second (entry) level, the at-grade exit is through the front door and to the right.

All the elevators in McCardell Bicentennial Hall are designed to operate on the emergency generator during a power failure.

Learn more about Armstrong Library.

Davison Library at Bread Loaf


Park in the lot behind the Bread Loaf Inn.


Follow the sidewalk behind the Little Theatre towards the tennis courts. The main entrance to Davison Library faces the courts.

Emergency Exits

The Main Level and the Lower Level have at-grade exits, but the Upper Level is accessed only by the stairs. Please note that there are no elevators in Davison Library.

Learn more about Davison Library.

Retrieving Materials

Request assistance from Circulation Services if you are unable to reach items, have trouble reading the call numbers, or in any way need help accessing materials.

Services in person at the Circulation Desk, phone, or email

Armstrong Library: (802) 443-5449

Davis Family Library: (802) 443-5494

Davison Library: (802) 443-2740

Assistive Equipment and Software

Equipment is available in Davis Family Library LIB 241 (on the main floor around the corner from the print and copy center) and Armstrong Library MBH 204 (in the alcove next to the printing room on the second level).

Equipment or Software Description LIB 241 MBH 204
CCTV Magnifying Viewer Versatile video magnifier Yes  
Dragon Voice Recognition (English and Spanish) Speech recognition software for dictation and transcription Yes Yes
Zoomtext Magnification and reading software Yes Yes
Kurzweil 3000 Education software that supports reading, comprehension, writing, assignments and tests Yes Yes
Outlook Magnifying Viewer     Yes
Scanner Use for digitizing paper documents   Yes


Sensus Access is a web-based, self-service application that allows users to automatically convert documents into a range of alternate and accessible formats.

Report a Problem

The Library is committed to ensuring our materials are accessible to all. If you encounter a web page or library resource that is inaccessible please report it to

Campus Resources

Disability Resource Center
(802) 443-5936 (phone)
(802) 443-7437 (TTY)
(802) 443-2440 (fax)
Service Building
Middlebury ADA Coordinators