Welcome, Class of 2025!
| by Kellam Ayres

The library is here for you! How can we help?
Find and use library resources
Need help searching for a book? Wondering how to use an e-book or stream a film? Need to find materials that your professor put on course reserve? We can help! Stop by the Circulation Desk or the Research Desk and we’ll point you in the right direction. (Both desks can be found on the main levels of the Middlebury Libraries.)
Study spaces
There are so many places to study at the Davis Family Library and the Armstrong Library. You can recline in a soft chair, spread your notes out across a big wooden tabletop, or hunker down in a private study room. Use this link to reserve a study room: go/bookaroom/
Make an appointment with a librarian when you begin your first research assignment. And find us online anytime at: go.middlebury.edu/askalibrarian. No one’s at the Research Desk? Visit us in our offices! Librarians are conveniently located right behind the Research Desk. And a librarian is available most days at the Armstrong Library in McCardell Bicentennial Hall, too. Just ask!
Interlibrary Loan
Did you know that we can obtain books and articles for you even if we don’t own them? All you have to do is ask, by filling out an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request form. You’ll receive most ILL articles electronically, and you’ll pick up ILL books at the Circulation Desk. Set up your Interlibrary Loan Account at go/illiad/.
You can find printers (black & white and color) in both libraries. Consult the How to Print handout for more information.
Find hours for the libraries at go.middlebury.edu/hours/. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Want to further explore the libraries? Visit go.middlebury.edu/lib/
Media Contact
Kellam Ayres is the Library Reserves Coordinator and Liaison to the Bread Loaf Programs