Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm

Interlibrary loan (ILL) facilitates the sharing of materials amongst libraries worldwide.

How ILL Works

We find and borrow resources that Middlebury does not have access to, and also lend our materials to other libraries and institutions.

We use the ILLiad System to help our users obtain materials not available at the Middlebury College Libraries. ILL requests are submitted and held in ILLiad, which will ask for key information about the item being requested. Articles and book chapters are sent to your ILLiad account as PDFs, other materials will be delivered to the library or requested shipping location.

Borrowing from Other Libraries

You can send a request directly from many of the library’s electronic resources, such as WorldCat, Scopus, or other tools. Ask a librarian if you would like more information about this feature.

Information for Other Libraries

If you are requesting interlibrary loans from Middlebury, see “information for requesting libraries” in our ILL Research Guide for help.


Rachel Manning

Resource Sharing Librarian

Kat Cyr

Interlibrary Loan Associate

Middlebury Interlibrary Loan

Department Email: MDYILL@middlebury.edu
Department Fax: 802-443-2074

Shipping Address:
Davis Family Library-ILL
Middlebury College
110 Storrs Ave.
Middlebury, VT 05753