Davis Family Library: Closed

Your data is valuable, and we can help you plan for, work with, and preserve it.

Data is a valuable research product. By placing data into a well-managed open-access repository, it is preserved and made more accessible for discovery and reuse. When systematically cataloged data is reused, accompanied by the appropriate citation acknowledging the original researcher, it makes efficient use of research funding and contributes to a wider body of knowledge.

Middlebury Libraries have tools and support for managing your data and other digital research products:

Data Management Plans (DMPs)

The National Science Foundation, as well as increasing numbers of funding agencies, requires that all applications for research funding include a data management plan to describe how the data created from the funded research will be shared, preserved and described. Middlebury Libraries, in conjunction with ITS, can assist you to meet this requirement. Questions can be directed to datamanagement@middlebury.edu

Data Archiving and Preservation

Middlebury Libraries maintains Data @ Middlebury, a repository to archive, preserve, and provide access to research products created by Middlebury faculty, staff, and students. If you have material to submit, use the data submission form.  Questions can be directed to repository@middlebury.edu.

Software and Instruction for Data Acquisition and Analysis

Middlebury Libraries offers data management and analysis workshops as well as one-on-one consultation to help guide students and faculty to the tools and techniques required for their research. Other resources are available at the Center for Teaching and Learning and the online tutorial service, LinkedIn Learning.

Additional Resources

Data @ Middlebury