Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 12am

Visit the Circulation Desk to borrow materials from the library—including books, DVDs, CDs, equipment, locker keys, and more. This is also where you’ll pick up reserve items or Interlibrary Loans.

Standard Loan Periods

  Students and Staff Faculty
Print materials, CDs 112 days 112 days
DVDs 14 days 14 days
Equipment usually 1-3 days up to 14 days


All equipment at the Library (LCD projectors, camcorders, microphones, etc.) can be booked in advance by students, faculty, and staff. To book equipment online, fill out the Equipment Booking form.

Lockers and Carrels

Lockers are available to all students, faculty, and staff. The keys can be checked out for a semester at a time.

See Library lockers and study carrel guidelines.

Renewing Items

Most material borrowed from the library can be renewed, often multiple times. To renew an item, login to your Primo account.  Please note that renewing only works if done before an item is overdue.


Material can be returned to the Circulation Desk in the Davis Family Library. If the library is closed, materials can be returned in a drop box:

  • Davis Family Library vestibule, just to the left as you enter the front doors
  • Davis Family Library, on the back wall facing Storrs Avenue, next to the garage door


See also Lost or Damaged Library Materials.

Additional Resources

Library Borrowing Policy
Borrowing Forms
Interlibrary Loan
Film Screening