Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: Closed

So you found a book you want to read, walked all the way to the correct shelf, and the book wasn’t there. Now what?

If library materials are missing:

Double check the status in MIDCAT:

  • Available: The item should be on the shelf.  If you cannot find it, please alert Circulation staff via one of the methods above.
  • Missing: try ILL, or Request a Purchase. Once an item has been marked missing in MIDCAT, you may order it via ILL
  • Recently Returned: This means the item may still be waiting to be shelved.  Please inquire at the circulation desk.
  • Check the location: Items may be shelved in the Armstrong Library or the Davis Family Library. The location of the item may also indicate that it is in a specific collection within the library (e.g. Special Collections, Browsing, etc.)
  • Reserves: shelved behind the Circulation Desks at each Library for short-term in-library use

If location indicates Davis Family Library, check the Library Map to make sure you’re looking in the right place.

Still can’t find it? Let us know by:

Filling out the missing book form (this online form is also linked from each detailed book description within MIDCAT.)

When a book is checked out

If the item you need for your research is checked out to another borrower, request it from Interlibrary Loan.

If the item you need is checked out and is unavailable through Interlibrary Loan, please contact Circulation Services to request a recall or a hold.

If you can wait until the due date listed in MIDCAT,  place a web request in MIDCAT and it will be held for you when it is returned. Web requests will not shorten the due date nor recall the item from the current borrower.