LibrarySearch will be view-only June 26th - July 22nd. Click here for details on service changes during this time.
Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 5pm
Armstrong Science Library: 7:45am - 5pm

Who can borrow equipment?

Equipment can be borrowed by students, faculty, or staff at any time, assuming it is available. Only faculty and staff can borrow faculty/staff laptops and iPads.

Guest borrowers and alumni may not borrow equipment.

Booking Equipment

All equipment can be booked in advance by students, faculty, and staff. To book equipment online, fill out the Equipment Booking form.

To adjust or cancel a booking, please contact the Davis Family Library Circulation Desk at (802) 443-5494 or Armstrong Circulation Desk at (802) 443-5449 or email

Booked equipment must be picked up on the first day of the booking. The booking will be canceled the following day if it is not picked up, and the equipment made available to other borrowers.

Booked equipment must be picked up and checked out by the person for whom it is booked. A College ID is required. Please return equipment to the location from which it was checked out. For example, equipment that lives at the Davis Family Library cannot be returned to Armstrong Library.

Equipement Booking Form

Equipment Borrowing Agreement

By borrowing Middlebury College Library equipment, I agree to sole responsibility for the following:

  • at check-out, confirm the length of the loan period, and that all equipment accessories are accounted for
  • returning equipment by the due date/time
  • returning equipment directly to the library it was borrowed from
  • returning equipment directly to a staff member at the Circulation Desk
  • replacement or repair of damaged, lost, or stolen equipment
  • return of equipment with all accessories accounted for
  • responsible use of equipment.

Please note:

  • All personal files, images, and software will be deleted upon return and will not be recoverable.
  • Faculty/staff laptops require log on while on campus prior to off-campus use.
  • The Library and Middlebury College disclaim all warranties, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the Library nor Middlebury College shall be liable to a user or any other person for any loss or damage of any kind related to configuration and operation of any equipment, including but not limited to, out-of-pocket expenses, consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of data, loss of profits, loss of use, emotional stress, physical injury, or damage to software or hardware.
  • Failure to follow this agreement may result in the loss of equipment borrowing privileges. 

Equipment available to borrow

complete list of all available equipment can be found in the library catalog.  Below is a list of the most popular equipment and their loan periods.

Computer equipment: 

  • Laptops and chargers: Mac and Dell available.  2-week loans for faculty and staff, 1-week loans for students
  • USB DVD drives: 1-day loan
  • Various dongles and adapters: 1-day loan
  • Webcams: 1-day loan
  • Keyboards and mice: 1-day loan
  • iPads: Faculty and staff only, 2-week loan

Video equipment: 

  • Video cameras: 3-day loan
  • Digital cameras: 3-day loan
  • conference cams: 1-day loan
  • Lighting kit: 3-day loan
  • Tripods: 3-day loan
  • LCD projectors: 3-day loan

Audio equipment:

  • Digital voice recorders: 7-day loan
  • Podcasting kits: 7-day loan
  • Bluetooth speakers: 1-day loan
  • Portable PA system: 1-day loan
  • USB microphones: 1-day loan
  • Conference phones: 1-day loan