Library Instruction
Library workshops can help student researchers learn how to search effectively and efficiently. Our classes are designed in collaboration with faculty to support course objectives and specific assignments.
We help ensure that all students attain a high level of information literacy. Faculty tell us that students in classes that receive instruction from a librarian do better research than students in other classes.
What will we do in a workshop?
Talk with your librarian; our workshops are interactive and we customize them to meet your goals. Here are some ideas to get our conversation started. We’re also happy to brainstorm research projects that will both complement both your learning goals and fit within the format of a library workshop.

Students who receive instruction from a librarian do better research.
How can I request a workshop?
Please use the form to email a librarian, or contact your library liaison directly. In order to get the time, location and customized content that you want, contact us as early as possible. However, we’ll try to accommodate your request with even a couple of weeks’ notice. We look forward to working with you!