A group of soccer players in bright orange jerseys hoist a trophy and celebrate their victory

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School Title Country Year Sort ascending
Bryn Mawr College Preserving History and Lives: Stories of the Chinese in America USA 2023
Dartmouth College Indigenous language learning support for Krenak youth Brazil 2023
University of Florida Water for Phoolbari, Nepal Nepal 2023
International House Creating Safe Spaces for Victims of GBV in Nepal Nepal 2023
Methodist University Green Sand: In Support of Refugee Children at Hope School Western Sahara Algeria 2023
Ringling College of Art + Design The Venezuelan Queer Oral History Project Venezuela 2023
University of Oklahoma Developing a Needlework Training Program and a Business Start Up to Help Syrian Female Refugee Workers in Lebanon Lebanon 2023
Yale University Florece: Combating Menstrual Inequity Honduras 2023
Bucknell University Community Led Toilet Sanitation Project Liberia 2023
Dartmouth College JEKA: The Future is Bright: Empowering Zimbabwe's Youth to Thrive, Substance-Free Zimbabwe 2023
Reed College Food Security Through Decentralized Neighborhood Farming USA 2023
International House Digital Environment as a Medium for National and International Peace Romania 2023
Methodist University Project Sowa: Optimization of Healthcare Delivery in Pemagatshel, Bhutan Bhutan 2023
Sarah Lawrence College Find X: An Exploration of Fracture in the United States. USA 2023
University of Richmond Human Trafficking Prevention Program Cambodia 2023
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Empowering immigrant voices in the fight for the environment USA 2023
Carleton College Artists for a Reconciled Cambodia (ARC) Cambodia 2023
Davidson College Growing Futures: Agricultural Empowerment for Hosanna Children's Home Kenya 2023
International Christian University Achieving Food Sovereignty in Fukushima through Anthropological and Artistic Approaches Japan 2023
International House Foundations of Peacebuilding, Empowerment and Political Education: Building a Voice for Indigenous Women in Areas Most Impacted by the Boko Haram Insurgency Nigeria 2023
Middlebury College Arts Integration for Social-Environmental Transformation of Wetland Communities Chile 2023
School of the Art Institute of Chicago City in a Garden - Gardens in 12 Chicago Neighborhoods USA 2023
University of Richmond Predator Peace Lights Kenya 2023
University of Chicago One Goal: Promoting Peace through Soccer in Rio de Janeiro’s Morro dos Macacos Neighborhood Brazil 2023
Amherst College Representation of Intergenerational Trauma: Narratives of Second Generation Nuclear Victims Japan 2023
Claremont McKenna College Spotlight: Amplifying Youth Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Namibia Namibia 2023
Denison University Indigenizing Pedagogy: A Freedom Concept for Harsukh School Pakistan 2023
International Christian University Peacebuilding through the Story of Reconciliation Japan 2023
International House History Lab Asia Singapore 2023
Middlebury Institute of International Studies Awaz Chitrako “Voices of Photo” Nepal 2023
Scripps College Cultivating Community Science and Clean Water in Bangkok, Thailand Thailand 2023
University of Rochester AILEM: A Language App for Peace USA 2023
Williams College It takes a Village: Fostering Youth Educational Development in Little Haiti USA 2023
Bard College Train Track to Right Track: Supporting Bangladeshis who call the Railway Tracks their Home Bangladesh 2023
Clark University Students Helping Hands USA 2023
Duke University Building Hope Through Education, Service, and Construction Uganda 2023
International House Community Ambassadors (Embajadores Comunitarios) Venezuela 2023
International House The Nigerian-ly Speaking Project/Collective Nigeria 2023
Middlebury Institute of International Studies Awaz Chitrako “Voices of Photo” Nepal 2023
Skidmore College EcoGhardens: Growing Food for Economic Sustainability Ghana 2023
University of Virginia Empowering Turkish Youth Through STEM Makerspaces Turkey 2023
Middlebury Institute of International Studies Awaz Chitrako “Voices of Photo” Nepal 2023
Barnard College They Never Told Us These Things Japan 2023
Colby College Effective and Respectful Communication with Older Adults: Promoting a Culture of Care and Understanding USA 2023
Earlham College Climate Change Education in Primary Schools with Workshops, India 2023
International House Community Kitchen for Peace: Using Food to Strengthen Bonds and Build Sustainable Livelihoods Lebanon 2023
International House Water and Peace Venezuela 2023
Mount Holyoke College Lift Youth Voice Through Song and Dance Puerto Rico 2023
Smith College Kolinvai Junior High School Renovation Project Ghana 2023
Vassar College One Book, More Legacies Burundi 2023