You are required to submit a photo for your Midd Card.

Please take some time to look over this information before uploading your photo.

  • All ID Photos must be in .jpg format and 2 MB in size.
  • Photos must be of only yourself (no group photos).
  • Photos must have ample space around your head so we can crop them to fit. Do not crop yourself out of a group photo.
  • Photos cannot include hats or sunglasses (cultural attire is acceptable).

When you are ready, you can submit your photo using the Photo Submission Form. You will need your Middlebury user name, which is usually your email without

Photo Submission FAQ


The ID Photo system requires us to crop each photo individually during the importing process so leaving extra space surrounding the head & shoulders is necessary.  Often times cropped photos are too narrow or not tall enough (do not have enough space around the head/shoulders) for us to use.


A simple head/shoulders shot with a gentle smile is recommended. Hats, sunglasses, and other things that cover your face are not allowed. However, cultural attire is acceptable.


The form limits images to 1 MB in size to prevent huge images from being uploaded and putting a strain on the system. If your image is too large, a number of image/photo editing programs have easy to use tools which allow you to resize your photo. Also digital cameras allow you to adjust the megapixel setting and 1–3 megapixels is recommended for ID Photos.


When you submit an ID Photo using the online form, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the photograph. You can verify your photo has been submitted by clicking the link in the email and viewing your photograph.


No. Unfortunately, due to the number of photos that are submitted for IDs, we cannot respond to inquiries about whether or not your photo was acceptable. If it is similar to the example provided, and meets the requirements, there should be no issues.


Simply renaming a raw, .png, or .gif file to .jpg will not convert the file. Use an image/photo editor to convert the file to the .jpg format.

Most digital cameras, webcams, and even cell phone cameras take JPG photographs by default. If you have a photo in a different format, it will need to be converted using an image  editor.