Summer Institute FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Q Does credit earned at the Bread Loaf Summer Institute in Global Humanities count toward my MA? In which groups will tutorial credit count?
Yes. All tutorials will earn two units of Bread Loaf credit, at least one of which will fulfill Group 5 (Global Literature) credit.
Q Are there any special eligibility requirements for attending the Summer Institute in Global Humanities?
Like our courses at Oxford, the two-unit tutorials at the Institute require substantial independent work. Before we admit new or returning students to these campuses, we do an extra review to make sure applicants are ready for the academic challenge. If we decide that you’re not yet ready, you’ll have an opportunity to make another campus choice.
Q Can I choose to study at Monterey for my final summer? My first summer?
Yes, with the above caveat.
Q Can I take a one-unit DRW while I study at the Institute?
No. The Institute is designed as an opportunity for you to immerse yourself fully, six days per week, in the exploration of its—and your—topic. The learning experience is concentrated and intensive. A full load of two units is the max.
Q When will we learn more about tutorial options?
Mid-December. If you are interested in attending the Institute but won’t be sure until you see the tutorial descriptions, we advise you to select the California campus now since space is limited. You can switch to another campus later.
Q What are the program costs? Will financial aid be applied to the Institute?
California dates and fees are posted on our website. Please note that the fee includes tuition, room, and a student fee to defray the costs of activities; there is no board plan. Financial aid is applicable to the California campus.
Q Can I live off campus while attending the Institute?
Yes, though you will get more out of the experience, and all of its formal and informal learning opportunities, if you’re on campus. And you will have to secure your own off-campus housing. Please note that short-term rentals in the Monterey area may be expensive and difficult to find.