McCardell Bicentennial Hall: 6:30am - 12am

Purchase and Acquisition

When you purchase new equipment we recommend that you keep future repairs in mind. Certain instrument manufacturers are reluctant to reveal information about the internal workings of their equipment, so as to maintain a monopoly on servicing. Given a choice, you may wish to give preference to a manufacturer that is willing to offer our technical staff training or assistance in performing repairs, as this will both expedite service in the future and reduce expenses for the college.

Another issue is that service manuals for equipment items are often expensive or not readily available. The best way to obtain manuals or other service data is to negotiate with the sales representative before the instrument is purchased. Having the manuals on-site will enable us to perform future repairs much more quickly and at a lower cost. We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to work with you in obtaining service manuals as part of any equipment purchase agreement.

Placing Orders

Please see Purchasing Procedures for guidance related to properly placing Purchase Orders and P-Card orders for equipment.

Asset Tags

The STSS department inventories any instrument or piece of equipment that is generally valued at more than $1000.  As part of this inventory, the item is given an asset tag, which is a numbered sticker that will live on the item (M/C X0000).  This asset tag will then correspond with a database entry that provides details on location, purchase date, acquisition type, and also allows us to track any jobs that are performed on that item.