McCardell Bicentennial Hall: 6:45am - 12am
Looking down from the balcony to the Great Hall in Bicentennial Hall.

McCardell Bicentennial Hall, Middlebury College’s multidisciplinary science facility, is home to six academic departments (Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Geography, Earth and Climate Science, Physics, and Psychology) and three programs (Environmental Studies, Neuroscience, and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry).

Well-designed laboratories foster excellent science teaching and student/faculty research in an attractive yet efficient setting. McCardell Bicentennial Hall (MBH) has prime classroom space used by science and nonscience departments, with around 40 percent of the student body having at least one class scheduled in the building each term. In the summer, McCardell Bicentennial Hall becomes a major hub for both Middlebury’s Language Schools and our active student/faculty science research programs. The building also houses the Armstrong Library and a team of technical support personnel who work closely with students and faculty on research and teaching projects.


Contact Cathy Ekstrom.