Major Building Facilities
- Armstrong Science Library (levels 1W and 2W; entrance on 2)
- Observatory dome (24” telescope) and 5000 square foot roof deck (two 11” telescopes and one 8” telescope)
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS) laboratory (level 6W)
- Advanced optical microscopy laboratory and confocal microscope (level 3N)
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer (level 5N)
- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy, and Inductively-coupled Argon Plasma (ICAP) spectroscopy labs and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy (level 1N)
- Advanced liquid chromatography (LC/MS/QTOF) lab (level 4 N)
- Chemistry analytical instrument labs (levels 4N and 5N)
- Greenhouses (level 6W)
- Vivarium (level 2N)
Sciences Support Facilities
- Instrument fabrication and repair
- Metalworking, welding, and woodworking shops (level 1N)
Academic Spaces
- 5 seminar rooms: MBH 148, 331, 430, and 530 (18 seats each); and 631 (10 seats)
- 3 classrooms: MBH 338, 438, and 538 (35 seats each)
- 1 laboratory classroom: MBH 303 (40 seats)
- 4 lecture rooms: MBH 104 (60 seats), 216 (150 seats), 219 (50 seats), 220 (100 seats)
- 2 open computer classrooms: MBH 117 (20 seats total); 161 (in library, 12 seats)
- 6 shared “generic” laboratories in west wing on levels 3, 4, and 5
- 22 specific-function teaching laboratories: 7 in Biology (MBH 235, 360, 365, 366, 370, 464, 467); 4 in Chemistry (MBH 459, 557, 560, 563); 2 in MBH 505 and 632; 2 in Geography (MBH 317, 319); 2 in Earth and Climate Sciences (MBH 417, 419); 4 in Physics (MBH 509, 511, 517, 520); and 1 in Psychology: MBH 236
- 54 Student/Faculty research spaces: 300-600 net square feet each
- Numerous support and instrument labs
- Furthers the education of students in their research and instructional programs
- Supports faculty in their mission of quality research with respect to the use of laboratory animals
- Complies with all local, state and federal regulations, and maintains AAALAC accreditation
- Facilitates the education and professional development of staff members
- Provides humane care to ensure animal welfare