Midd Together
MiddTogether is a grassroots effort to empower Middlebury staff to connect by spending part of their work time in another role on a short-term basis.
How it Works
- Post an opportunity for staff to work with your department using this google sheet.
- Sign up for an opportunity.
- Offer a few hours a month, as your schedule allows.
- Reconnect, meet new colleagues, and “cross” the campus.
This initiative is facilitated by Staff Council with Human Resources and Senior Administration support as a development and community-building initiative. Email scouncil@middlebury.edu with questions.
Staff Council will facilitate the opportunity via email. We ask that you find a time that works best for both schedules.
Provide Feedback
Please report back to Staff Council on your experience at scouncil@middlebury.edu and share your feedback with others below.
Past Opportunities
- Manage and support COVID operations
- Student contact tracing
- Student arrivals assistance
- Weekend night rounds
- Dining hall line managers
- Dorm clean outs
- Staffing six commencements
- And more!