Your decision to invest in a quality education is significant. So is our commitment to making Middlebury affordable.

If you’re an undergraduate student admitted to Middlebury, we will meet your full demonstrated financial need. To be considered for financial aid, you first need to complete our forms below by the required deadlines.

If you are applying to Middlebury for enrollment during the 2025–2026 academic year, please follow these financial aid application requirements. We may request additional items once the review of your application begins. Any subsequent requests for information will be emailed directly to you. It’s important to meet the deadlines listed below and to respond promptly to all additional requests for information.

Middlebury Financial Aid Application Deadlines

Admission Program CSS Profile  FAFSA
Questbridge November 1, 2024 April 1, 2025*
Early Decision I November 15, 2024 April 1, 2025*
Early Decision II January 3, 2025 April 1, 2025*
Regular Decision February 1, 2025 April 1, 2025*
Fall 2025 Transfer March 1, 2025 April 1, 2025*
Spring 2026 Transfer November 1, 2025 November 1, 2025

*Due to the late release of the 2025-2026 FAFSA, Middlebury is not requiring the FAFSA until April 1, 2025. Financial Aid Offers will include estimates of federal aid eligibility, based on the information you provided on the CSS Profile. Check with other schools you may be applying to and your state grant provider, as their FAFSA deadlines may be earlier. 

Middlebury Financial Aid Application Requirements

CSS Profile

If you are a prospective undergraduate student applying for financial aid, you are required to submit the CSS Profile listing Middlebury College (school code 3526). This application is used to determine your eligibility for need-based Middlebury College funding and to estimate your eligibility for federal student aid (prior to the FAFSA becoming available). In situations where a student’s parents are divorced, separated, or never married, the CSS Profile is required to be completed by both biological parents. Keep in mind that both parents use the same College Board website but do not have access to each other’s CSS Profile.

Helpful Tip: Resources and Tutorials to help you complete the CSS Profile can be found on the College Board website.

There is a fee to submit the CSS Profile. Some students may be eligible for fee waivers from the College Board. Middlebury relies on the College Board’s determination of eligibility for waivers and does not provide fee waivers. International applicants: Middlebury College does not accept the ISFAA or a paper copy of the CSS Profile as alternatives to submitting the CSS Profile electronically.

Once your CSS Profile is completed and processed, you will receive access to your College Board dashboard and IDOC (see below) for submitting additional documents.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Expected to be released for 2025-2026 in December 2024, the FAFSA is required for U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens and is used to determine your eligibility for all federal student financial aid. Include Middlebury College in the school section (school code 003691) when submitting the application. The FAFSA is filed with information about the student and their parent(s). Students who do not wish to be considered for need-based financial aid from Middlebury are only required to complete the FAFSA and no other financial aid application.   

Tax Information

After completing the CSS Profile, submit the tax information below through the College Board Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC).  

U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens must submit the following:

  • Parent 2023 federal tax returns with all schedules, including business tax returns, if applicable  
  • All parent 2023 W-2’s, even if they did not file taxes
  • Parent Non-filing Statement (available on IDOC) if your parent did not or is not required to file taxes

Canadian applicants must submit the following:

  • Parent 2023 federal and provincial tax forms and T-4s

International applicants must submit the following:

  • Parent 2023 Non-US tax forms or Earning Statement(s) translated into English
  • Parent Non-filing Statement (available on IDOC) if your parent did not file and does not have Earnings Statement(s) from their employer.  

Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC)

After you submit your CSS Profile, you may be required to provide additional documentation to the College Board’s IDOC Service, including institutional forms and relevant tax information. If you are required to submit documents via IDOC, you will be able to view the items missing on your Middlebury Applicant Dashboard and will be emailed by Middlebury Student Financial Services. The College Board provides a helpful IDOC Overview. Middlebury College utilizes IDOC to provide a safe and secure way to submit sensitive financial information. Please do not email these documents to the Office of Student Financial Services, as data included in email is not secure.   

Completing the Process

 Middlebury verifies the financial aid application of every undergraduate student who enrolls prior to issuing your final financial aid offer in early summer. If any additional information is needed, you will receive an email from Student Financial Services.  

Important Tip: Set up your Middlebury email account and check it regularly, once you are notified that your account is available. Then, this is the email we will begin to use to communicate with you.

The Office of Student Financial Services will begin notifying students in early summer that their final financial aid offer is available to view in the Middlebury Financial Aid Portal and provides details on each award and how to accept or decline the funds. Final financial aid offers are provided to students after all application requirements have been submitted and the review of their file is complete. The final aid offer will reflect any change due to new information. 

Federal Verification

Some students who file the FAFSA are also selected for verification through the FAFSA process, as indicated on your Financial Aid Summary. 

Middlebury College will collect and process the documentation required to verify the student’s FAFSA information. You will not receive your final financial aid offer until all required forms have been submitted and reviewed. Verification can result in changes to the student’s financial aid eligibility and/or financial aid offers.