Cost Calculators
Many students don’t pay the sticker price to attend college. We have two options to learn how affordable Middlebury is for you.
Use our interactive calculators for an estimate of how much financial aid you may be eligible to receive and what your cost to attend Middlebury might be. The calculators are not designed for use by international or returning students. Please be aware that results may not be accurate for business owners and divorced/separated families.
- For a quick, general estimate of your cost, click on the MyinTuition Quick College Estimator.
- For a more in-depth estimate, use our Net Price Calculator.
You may choose to also view Estimate Your Cost, which provides average grants by income range and examples of financial aid offers.
MyIntuition Quick Cost Estimator
Complete a quick six question survey about your family’s finances to receive an estimate of your family’s contribution and financial aid.
Net Price Calculator
The Net Price Calculator asks additional questions and will provide you with a more accurate estimate of your family contribution and financial aid from Middlebury.
Tips for Using the Cost Calculators
As you use these calculators, please remember the following:
- This is not an application for admission or financial aid.
- The results will only be as reliable as the data you provide.
- The net price calculator will only give you an estimate of your net price and aid eligibility. Your final award will be determined by the Office of Student Financial Services based on the financial aid forms and other documentation you submit. You must complete the financial aid applications by the deadlines for the year you plan to attend college.
Visit Apply for Admission and Apply for Aid.